Chapter 5: The Morning After

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"Good morning sunshine!" Alex sings from the kitchen as I stumble out of my room, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "There's coffee in the pot."

"Praise be to the morning people." I grumble as I poor myself a cup and take my seat at our table.

"Breakfast?" He asks, shutting off the stove and presenting the dish to me.

"You're unusually chipper this morning," I say raising my eyebrows at the food he sets on the table.

"How could I not be? Last night was fucking incre-" I cut him off.

"Rule number 1!" I shout, grabbing an envelope off the counter behind me and searching or a pen. "No talking about it outside of the action itself, requests for said action, and immediately after." 

I write the rule on the paper and hold it up so he can see it.

"Oh, we're doing this now, are we?" He smiles and takes a bite of the food he's prepared. "And what is the point of this rule?"

"To completely mitigate any opportunity for weirdness." I tell him.

"Right then," he scootches his chair to sit next to me and takes the pen from my hand. "What's next?"

"Rule number 2," I state. "Tell absolutely nobody."

"That's going to be harder for you than it is for me." He laughs, scribbling on the envelope.

"I can keep secrets!" I whine, smacking his shoulder. 

"This is currently the longest kept secret you've ever had Mel." He winks and I pout.

"Rule number 3," he announces. "If, at any time, the other becomes involved with someone else, they must inform the other and the deal will be, therefore, null and void." 

"Okay mister lawyer, you might as well take this back to your fancy office and draft us an entire contract if you're going to use words like 'null and void.'" I mock.

"Paralegal," he corrects. "And that directly violates rule number 2 because we'd have to involve a third party."

I giggle, letting my mind race to the gutter. "Are you talking about a threesome Alex?" I ask, bringing my hand to my chest and faking shock.

"I suppose that brings us to rule 4," He smirks and looks me dead in the eyes.

We hold eye contact for a beat and break into laughter.

"Yeah, absolutely not." I laugh stealing the pen back and writing in big, bold letters: NO THREESOMES.

"I'm glad we're on the same page with that one." He tousles my hair and gets up from the table to refill his coffee. "Anything else you can think of?"

"I suppose just that these rules can be added to at any time," I jot it down at the bottom. "Just in case."

"That sound fair," he says sitting back down next to me and placing a hand on my knee. "In that case, I'd like to exercise rule number 1." He looks at me and his eyes darken. 

I feel the heat radiating from his hand as he slides it slowly up my bare thigh.

"May I request," He stops with his fingertips just passed the hem of my cotton shorts and I can already feel myself getting wet as the memory of last night floods my mind. "A little morning sex from my ever so gracious, platonic sex friend?" He runs his tongue across his bottom lip lightly as he darts his eyes back and forth between mine. 

My breath hitches and I quickly look over to check the clock. 6:41 it reads. I have a meeting at 8am and it takes me 15 minutes to get to work, plus I have to shower and get ready.

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