Chapter 9: The End

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He rips the towel open and trails his hands down my curves, his eyes following the goosebumps that spring up under his touch. 

"You're all mine." He growls.

"All yours." I moan as he drops his lips to my neck and sucks lightly over my soft spot.

His lips trail down my body, pausing to lick over each nipple making me squirm. He lowers his head down between my thighs and he smiles at my glistening sex. He slides a finger over me, slowly.

"Look how wet your are for me baby," He says holding his finger up before slowly slipping it into his mouth, making eye contact as he moans at the flavor.

"Please, Alex." I whimper as my head falls back into the pillows. "I need you."

He dips his mouth to me and slides his tongue between my folds, expertly circling my clit every time he reaches the top. My hands dive into his hair, twisting it into my fingers as my back arches off the bed in pure pleasure. A loud moan escapes me as he inserts a finger and begins pumping slowly. 

I can't take it anymore. I need more of him. I pull his head away from me and guide him up against my body. Our lips reconnects and I rip at his shirt, breaking apart to slip it over his head. His hands wraps around my throat and he squeezes lightly as I tear at his jeans.

"Patience is a virtue, sweetheart." He whispers against my lips.

"Fuck patience." I pant. "I need you now."

"Yes ma'am." He smiles and moves away from me to remove the rest of his clothes.

He returns his body to mine and grinds himself against my throbbing femininity. The kisses get harder, sloppier. I'm grinding against him, trying to slip him inside. Both of us panting as we enjoy the feeling of our wet skin sliding over each other.

He reaches a hand down and positions himself at my entrance. Pulling away to look me in the eyes, he slides painfully slowly into me. My body melts into the bed with pleasure as he takes the first slow stokes. 

"This pussy is all mine." He groans as he thrusts harder, grabbing my jaw and tilting my head so I'm forced to look into his yes.

"It's all yours Alex, all yours" I barely squeak out as he pushes into me.

He rolls us over, still inside of me and begins pumping his hips upward. My fingers dig into his chest as I match his motions, coming down hard against his hips. My head falls back as he moves one hand from my hip to massage my breast. 

I'd worry about the occupants in neighboring rooms if my mind could wander even a centimeter away from the pleasure consuming me.

He wraps his arms around my back and pulls me onto him. His hands slide down to my ass and he guides me up and down along him as our lips tangle together once again. 

Just before my legs are about to give out he slides me off of him and I whimper at the sudden emptiness.

"It's okay baby," He says as he guides me to lay on my side. "I'll be back inside that sweet pussy soon."

He runs his hands from my thigh, up my side, and across my breasts as his chest and stomach sink into my back. I lift my leg slightly for him as he guides himself back into me and quickly brings his pace back up.

His fingers twist my nipple lightly making my back arch against him and allowing him to thrust deeper into me. He groans as his length rubs my walls harder at the shift in angle. He slides his hand down my stomach and between my legs where he beings to rub circles over my swollen bud.

I turn my face to scream into the pillow and he takes the opening to attack my neck again. Sucking and nibbling in the spot that makes my body melt he quickens the pace of his fingers. 

"Come for me, baby." His breath is hot against my neck as he whispers into my ear.

The building in my stomach threatens to release and heat courses throughout my body.

"You feel so good, Alex. I don't want to stop" I manage through heavy breaths.

"I'll come with you." He growls and thrusts harder, rubbing me faster.

My muscles tighten and release in waves and I can't control the screams that escape my lips. I feel him tense inside of me and a thick heat fills me. He bites down hard into my neck as we fall apart. His trusts slow and he gently pulls out of me. Turning me gently so our noses come together he smiles against my lips.

"Good girl." He whispers and kisses me gently.

We lay wrapped in each others arms, kissing each other softly as we catch out breaths and our bodies recover. 

Pulling away he looks into my eyes and smiles.

"I love you, Mel."

"I love you, Alex."

// Hey ya'll! Thanks for reading this short story! I just wanted to dip my feet into the writing world again and I plan on doing more, longer stories if you're interested! //

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