∂ Chapter 02 ∂

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Getting up the next day was difficult with his arm killing him. This is what I get for not keeping an eye on the fucking vents, he grumbled as he got ready to head to the pizzeria. Once there he entered and was surprised to not see Molten at the front desk. Odd... Walking in, he saw a majority of the animatronics surrounding Nedd Bear who didn't look too great. "Morning everyone!"

"Bryan, were the security cameras running last night?" Rockstar Freddy asked immediately, turning to look at the man who tilted his head. Molten, hearing the question, pointedly looked away from the two.

"Yeah, they were..." the brunette nodded. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Nedd Bear's got blood on him," Freddy sighed, pointing to the paw covered in blood – human blood. "We don't know how it got there but apparently we weren't cleaned last night. Don't you usually do the cleaning before the night shift?"

Bryan nodded. "I do, yeah, but I couldn't last night. I was the one on the night shift since one of the employees is on holiday for the week and we can't get anyone to do it on such short notice."

AI's eyes widened. "Y-You're on the night shift? For how long?"

"About a week, until the employee gets back," Bryan explained, head tilting at the robot's reaction. "Why is it shocking you so much, AI?"

"Do you... know how to do a night shift? Safely?"

Bryan rolled his eyes. Great, still treat me like a child I see. "Yes, I do. I've got experience of doing multiple night shifts in an old pizzeria I worked at. Check the cameras, get supplies, keep an eye on the vents... I know what to do."

"I see..." AI nodded, eyeing his arm. Bryan glanced down at it and almost swore when he saw a small trickle of blood going down it. "Bryan, are you bleeding?"

Bryan hesitated before sighing, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the stitches he did on himself before he went to bed that morning. "I was making a chicken meal for breakfast this morning and cut myself. I stitched it up best I could but... yeah." Pulling his sleeve back down he glanced at his animatronics to see them all glancing between him and Nedd Bear. "Don't worry, it's not anything you guys should worry about, okay?" Not like they would worry anyway. Well, maybe AI would and Nedd Bear but I don't know about anyone else. "Now, why don't we go play minigames, hm? I'm taking the night shift again tonight so I've got about three hours to kill."

The others agreed and so they headed to the backroom before AI quickly pulled Molten aside. "You deleted that footage of last night, didn't you?" AI asked not unkindly. "That's why Freddy couldn't find out what happened between 12 and 6." Molten just nodded. "It's probably best you keep doing that. The night shift is dangerous, and with Bryan already injured by one of us... God knows what's gonna happen these next 6 nights..."

"I already planned on doing it for these 7 nights anyway," Molten shrugged. "I just don't get why we're so much more dangerous when it's Bryan and not a different employee. You've noticed that too, haven't you? When has any of us attacked someone on the night shift before today?"

AI hummed in agreement. "You've got a point..."

"AI, Molten, you two coming?" Bryan called, looking over his shoulder at the two. AI nodded and quickly rushed forward, Molten following behind closely. I have no plan to stop erasing this footage unless Bryan tells me otherwise. It's for the safety of him and the others.

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