∂ Chapter 04 ∂

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AI watched as Bryan ran out of the building at 6 am, the other animatronics slowly becoming aware of their surroundings. "Hey, isn't Bryan on the night shift? Why don't we go say hi?" Lefty suggested before he looked at the clock, eyes widening. "It' already 6 am!?"

"Yeah," Molten nodded, trying to distract the others as AI left the room and went to the parking lot, seeing Bryan in his car.

Walking closer, his metallic heart broke at the sight of the business owner shaking and crying, repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again. "Bryan?" He asked softly after opening the door, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. Immediately the man turned and hugged him, continuing to sob. "Oh Bryan... why don't you let someone else do the night shift tonight? You'll only get traumatised. I mean, if you've done this before then there's no doubt in my mind that you're traumatising yourself even more."

"S-She screamed," he sobbed, trying to collect himself. "I... I've never heard her scream like that. I hurt her..."

"Shh, I'm sure you didn't hurt... anyone, bud," AI assured. "How about I drive you home while you nap, yeah? I'm sure Molten can man the building while I take care of you, okay?" Bryan nodded, allowing the artificial intelligence to guide him to the passenger seat where he promptly fell asleep. Poor guy.

"What happened last night to make him like that?" Molten asked from behind the duo, making the one aware jump. "Didn't mean to scare you, sorry."

"It's fine." AI said, patting the bear on the shoulder. "I'm not entirely sure but apparently one of the female appearing animatronics creamed and it's... it's stuck with him, I guess."

"My guess is that it's Baby," Molten sighed, walking forward and quickly fastening the man's seatbelt. "Those two are close, at least from what I've seen."

"You care for him, don't you, Molten?" AI murmured as Molten continued to look Bryan over. Most likely scanning for any injuries. Molten just nodded. "I won't tell anyone, but you should tell him. He needs someone he can count on and, by the looks of it, we're the only ones that know how to counteract that thing that happens to everyone during the night." Molten hummed, ruffling Bryan's hair before stepping back as AI moved to the other side of the car and got ready to back out. "Probably won't be back until Bryan goes in for the shift. See you tonight."

"See you tonight," Molten agreed before going back inside the pizzeria as AI left, driving the car in the direction of Bryan's house. Everything's just going to get worse, isn't it?

The drive to Bryan's house was silent, other than the noises of the radio and Bryan's occasional sniffle as he slept. Every time the man did sniff, it made AI's heart hurt even more. Don't worry, bud, Molten and I'll help you tonight. That's a promise.

Once they got to Bryan's home, AI was quick to get him inside and to bed, tucking him in. Glancing at the man's right arm, he quickly located the first aid kit and restitched the wound and dressed it properly before bandaging it up and tucking it under the covers. "I'll be right here, Bryan. Promise."

Hours later was when Bryan woke up, groaning at the light filtering into the room. "AI?" He croaked out, looking around the room and finding the rabbit powered off next to his bed. As he paused to allow himself to think through the previous night's events, he couldn't help but whimper, remembering Baby's scream. I'm sorry.

AI powered on, blinking his eyes as he heard whimpering. Locating the sound, he was quick to pull the hurting man into a hug, running a hand through his hair. "It's okay," he spoke softly, resting his head on the top of the brunette's. "You're okay. Molten and I'll help you out tonight, alright, bud?" Bryan just nodded, burying his head in the soft fur of the animatronic rabbit. "Alright, get dressed. I'll make you some toast, okay?" Again, Bryan nodded, watching the rabbit leave before getting dressed as well as changing the bandage on his arm. Going to the kitchen, he smiled at the plate of toast on the plate in front of him, smiling broader at the little smiley face imprinted on it.

Eating it up and brushing his teeth, the two got in the car with AI driving again and headed to the pizzeria. Molten was the first to greet them, glancing around him before ruffling the business owner's hair which earned him a genuine smile. "Don't think they noticed you missing, AI. They've been focused on trying to find the footage from last night and the night before."

"Really?" AI asked, pretending to be surprised as the trio entered the main room. "Why am I not surprised? It's obvious we won't get the footage back. Why can't they just let it go?"

"Beats me," Molten shrugged, glancing at the clock. "Half an hour." Bryan gulped. Molten noticed and sent him a reassuring look, Bryan smiling back at him as Lefty came over.

"We still can't get the footage!" He whined. Molten rolled his eyes before indicating to AI the clock. Nodding, he took Bryan to the office and powered off. It's now or never. Let's do this and keep that man safe.

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