chapter 12

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(this is another chapter that I didn't proof read and wrote late at night btw, don't mind anything that doesn't make sense!!)

-Finny's POV-
Gwen was beside me as I walked into school. We were talking about this horror movie we stayed up basically all night watching yesterday.

I noticed Gwen looking around for her friends while we spoke. While we continued walking, her group of friends waved at her so that she'd come over.

"Oh! Those are my friends. Bye Finny!" She turned around to face me while walking towards her friends and waved.

"Bye!" I smiled. I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone really. I just have days where it's like that, but I'll always make an exception for Gwen.

While I was zoned out, walking through the hallways. I heard a boy from behind me speak up, calling out my name.

"Finnyyyy!" He said in an empathized tone, followed with his 2 other friends laughing. I wanted to dig my nails into my skin. I hated that stupid piece of crap and his friends so much.

All they ever did whenever I got near them was beat the shit out of me while I just laid on the floor waiting for them to leave me alone.

I tried to ignore them, I could hear their stupid laughing and footsteps followed me everywhere I went. It pisses me off how the school does nothing about these idiots. They just let them do whatever they want whenever.

Everyone knows they bully me nonstop. One time, one of the kids repeatedly pushed me into a locker infront of everyone. Nobody does anything because they're either scared or just don't care.

I don't blame them. If I wasn't scared I would've stood up to them. I speed walked into the library. There were tons of huge shelves there. I hoped the entire time that they stopped following me and didn't see where I went.

-Nobody's POV-
Finny slammed the door for the library open. Trying to peak behind him to see if they were still following him, he was too afraid to look back because that'd piss them those idiots off even more.

Finny rushed over to the back of the library and sat down behind one of the shelves within the left side of the library. He was too afraid to even breathe incase they heard him. After about 8 minutes, he heard their footsteps get closer. They were calling out his name as if they were some maniac serial killers looking for their next victim.

One of the boys spotted Finny in the corner of his eye. Finny immediately went back into the corner and stopped peaking out looking at them. He heard them suddenly go quiet. It was dead silent for another 3 minutes before one of the boys stood infront of Finny.

"Fuck." Finny mumbled, unfortunately the taller boy heard him. "What was that?" He sarcastically said while grabbing finnys head and bashing his head into a wall.

"Nothing!" Finny shouted out. His face started to sting as he felt blood drip down onto his neck. The other boys started to laugh at him as if he was an animal in a zoo cage.

If Finny wasn't so afraid they'd make fun of him for years over it, he would've started to cry right then and there. The boy continued laughing at Finny while kicking him lower stomach.

Finny wasn't ever sure what their issue was with him. They didn't attack anyone more than Finny. It was like they just used him like a punching bag at this point.

Finny groaned in pain, one of the boys in the back started to mock Finny. The boy slammed Finnys head into the shelf this time. There was blood everywhere. Finnys clothes, neck. The walls, the shelves along with the carpet.

"Please, leave me alone." Finnys spoke as his mouth was almost full of blood. The boy who gripped onto Finnys hair actually responded. "Make me. It's not like you can." He snickered before punching Finny and letting go of him.

They left the library, the boys fist full of blood as if he murdered someone. Finny laid on the floor silently. He couldn't cry. Well, he could. But there was no use, he's been in this situation so many times. The only person who's ever defended him was either Gwen or Robin.

Finny sat up, he leaned against the floor, He touched the blood with his hand. The way his hand was soaked with blood from his face made him nauseous. He didn't and couldn't do anything about it, what's done is done.

His shoulders were on his knees, his head on his hands. He must've not realized but within a few minutes he fell asleep. The only reason he was awake was to the sound of someone's familiar voice, clearly concerned. "Finney?!" He jolted awake, not remembering what happened as he just woke up. He thought he was at home and something happened with Gwen.

Once he was finally able to open his exhausted eyes, he saw Robin sitting infront of him. Asking him what happened. Robin's face was clearly worried and shocked.

"Huh, I-" Finney was cut off by Robin thankful he was atleast able to speak. Everything happened so fast Finney had no idea what was really happening. The reason Robin was shocked he could even speak was because of how much blood, bruises and cuts where all over his face. It genuinely looked like a crime scene.

"-m fine Robin." Finney continued his sentence. Robin immediately started asking him shit ton of questions which only one Finney could actually understand due to how tired he was. "What the fuck happened!" The more Finney was awake and remembered what happened, the more his face and body started to hurt.

"It was just.. those group of guys." Finney tried to calm Robin down, but at this point Robin's shock turned into anger.

"And you just let them do this to you? Why Finney! I'll fucking kill them." Robin tried to clean some of the blood off of finneys face with a tissue he had
(its not full of snot incase you're curious, that's GROSS!!)

Robin helped up Finney by under his shoulders. Finney started to finally acknowledge his surroundings better.
"Finney you might need literal stitches! Please. You need to come with me to the nurses office." Robin helped Finny walk to the exit of the school library.

After Finney and Robin went to the nurses office, she helped cleaned up all of finneys wounds. He didn't actually need stitches, he probably would if he keeps bleeding.

Robin decided that there was absolutely no way he could stay at school after what happened, so he took him back to his house to relax and rest.

Finney was feeling alot better now but is face still hurt alot.
Robin was in the kitchen cooking them both a mini brunch. Finney was watching a cartoon covered in some blankets Robin left for him to get comfortable with. After a few more minutes Robin was done the food. He handed a plate to Finny.

"Thank you, Robin. I really appreciate how much you care for me. I love you." Finny smiled at him.

Robin smiled, he kissed Finny on the forehead. "It's no problem. I love you too."

AWW ISNT THAT ADORABLE, yknow what else is adorable
the way I randomly ended up on the edge of a bridge because I'll never have this relationship! ❤️🤭

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