Fake Dating (INA)

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—Shooketh—Says yes, "Only to help you out

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—Says yes, "Only to help you out. Nothing more, nothing less.."
—Very nice to your family, helps out if something is out of place or wrong

—If your family is mean he will say something in a threatening tone, but still uphold his smile
—"Huh? Oh! You don't have to thank me.."


—"Fake date?"—Laughed at you — Not tauntingly-—Decided to help you out—Met your mom and dad, not nervous at all shameless when introducing himself as you boyfriend to your family and friends

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—"Fake date?"
—Laughed at you — Not tauntingly-
—Decided to help you out
—Met your mom and dad, not nervous at all shameless when introducing himself as you boyfriend to your family and friends

—If your family decides too pick on you they will have to hear a little lecture from him about family
—"No need for thanking me, darling."
—"Kazuha, we're done with the act-"


—Says no—You have to beg him and give him something—Doesn't talk to your family or friends, kind of just sticks to you—If your sibling flirts with him I feel like he would yell at them and leave to find you (just a random thought)

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—Says no
—You have to beg him and give him something
—Doesn't talk to your family or friends, kind of just sticks to you
—If your sibling flirts with him I feel like he would yell at them and leave to find you (just a random thought)

—If your family's rude they've chosen death-
—"Don't thank me."


—Big bucks over here teases you for asking him—"Fine I'll go ask Thoma—"—"No,"—Shocked when he see's where you grew up, considering you don't say anything about your money (you grew up in a mansion for the scenario)—Tries to flex that he's also ri...

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—Big bucks over here teases you for asking him
—"Fine I'll go ask Thoma—"
—Shocked when he see's where you grew up, considering you don't say anything about your money (you grew up in a mansion for the scenario)
—Tries to flex that he's also rich
—Wanders around the mansion, goes to find you once he looks at everything

—If your family is rude, he'll be shocked and take you outside
—"Why did you not say anything back to them?"
—"There my family."
—"👁👄👁  ..."


—Blushes and says yes, even though it's fake- 🥹—Tell me that you love me even though it fucking fake- (SORRY)—Wears his nicest outfit, slightly scared to meet your family—Tries to be as perfect as possible

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—Blushes and says yes, even though it's fake- 🥹
Tell me that you love me even though it fucking fake- (SORRY)
Wears his nicest outfit, slightly scared to meet your family
—Tries to be as perfect as possible

—If your family is mean he'll be shocked and talk back to them (he wins the argument)


—The One and Oni says yes—Plays with your younger siblings (if you have them)—When you tell him to at least be a little proper in front of your parents he'll laugh

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—The One and Oni says yes
—Plays with your younger siblings (if you have them)
—When you tell him to at least be a little proper in front of your parents he'll laugh

—When your family insults you he will stop joking around and glare at the one who insulted you
—"Say bye-bye to Y/n!" Takes you and leaves


—"Hmmm~"—Goes into a thinking pose and acts like he's thinking—"No,"—You have to bribe him like Scaramouche—When meeting your family he analyzes them and your house

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—Goes into a thinking pose and acts like he's thinking
—You have to bribe him like Scaramouche
—When meeting your family he analyzes them and your house

—Your family is mean? Oh well he's got something to say to them
—"Ho? What was that?"

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