Zhongli >>> 🤍

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I will have order.


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"You're too old for this.."

Ever since Zhongli was little you watched over him along with all the other Archons, you came down to Teyvat when they were younger and became a sort of guardian to them.

But there are some things that he didn't grow out of. And that was currently your "little" problem.

You were laying on him, he buried his head into the crook of your neck, let out a warm breath on your neck, making your face heat up.

Back when Zhongli was little he would always come to you, he said he couldn't sleep and you let him lay down next to you.

"Y/n..." A soft voice called from behind your door.

"Can't sleep again, Morax?" You opened the door and there he was with a little dragon plushie —that was gifted by you— in his hold. You sighed, "C'mon."

He walked with you to your bed, climbing up and waiting for you to lay down. Once you did, he lied on top of you, hugging your body.

His plushie was next to both of you, his arm around it,  "Thank you, Y/n."

But now it's just you and a grown man that has an attachment to sleeping with you in his arms.

"My apologies," He opened his eyes, moving his arms to hug around your waist, "I can't sleep without you.." You sighed and buried your face into his chest, trying to relax your entire body.

"It's fine."

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