How to Piss off Phantom

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Y/n wandered aimlessly near Kabukichou, he was in wait for one of the coloraturas to spot him and try to nab him. The others had decided to rig one of them with a bomb, so Y/n decided he'd take things hilariously far. To put it rather simply, he had a certain song that he and a few of the more unhinged servants had remixed at the ready. A gremlinoid grin spread across his face as he spotted a small group of coloraturas rolling out.

Y/n: "The fact that Hundred Faces even helped with the song here... I love Chaldea."

The coloraturas spotted him and began to converge on his position. He only needed one to be intact, so he picked one out from the seven that were making their way towards him with malicious intent.

Y/n: "Lets give some new toys a test run."

Y/n smirked as he summoned Gungnir.

Y/n: "Who's ready to get a refit? I warn ya though, it might blow your mind."

Y/n internally cringed at himself for that horrendous joke. He then proceeded to dismantle six of the seven coloraturas. The seventh one was knocked out of commission by the haft of Gungnir rather than the blade.

Once he ensured the coast was clear, he dragged the coloratura back to the hideout where the others began to set about refitting it.

Once they opened its head though, there was a collective moment of shock as they found a human brain within.

Rin: "Th- That's..."

Shirou: "They use brains to make these things!?"

Emiya: "Tch, of course they do."

Artoria: "Scum..."

Edmond: "Phantom's gonna be feeling this one in his spirit origin for a while."

Y/n: "Agreed. Let's go. I want this to line up so we can set the bomb off at eleven minutes past nine."

Rin: "Why so specific?"

Y/n merely flashed her a manic grin as he and Edmond set about refitting the coloratura.

A while later, Phantom of the Opera was standing in the middle of Kabukichou with coloraturas surrounding him and a particular coloratura with a head of blonde hair.

Phantom: "Ah~ Christine! Christine! Such a beautiful melody on the air."

Phantom looked to the sky when he heard something approaching

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Phantom looked to the sky when he heard something approaching. Something loud.

(Just as a side note, please check out the comments of this vid. It's a fucking goldmine.)

Phantom did not recognise the song, in fact he found its sound to be rather offensive to his ears. However the coloratura that had been fitted with speakers which were blasting this particular track was in the middle of the street and surrounded by other coloraturas.

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