Birth Of The Next Generation

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Endeavor gives an annoyed grunt as he walks through the back alleys of Tokyo, he gets called all the way here to deal with some low level villain. Only reason he even agreed to look for this villain is because the hero board said that he was a better choice than All Might to find and deal with them. Storm clouds begin to form over, he still wishes he refused. He dims his flame as he approaches a corner that had some talking.

Thug 1: "Come on man you really expect us to believe some nobody like you has THE Endeavor chasing him."

Thug 2: "Yeah and All Might stalks me on Tuesdays. Get lost before you're found on the news tomorrow, dead."

The two begin to laugh, as Endeavor who completely extinguished his head looks around the corner seeing a couple of low-crime thugs, standing over some who has been thrown into a pile of garbage.

The man in the garbage speaks up: "I'm serious. I saw him at my apartment, asking questions. I wouldn't ask you guys for help if I was kidding. I messed up and now the number 2 hero is after me."

The thugs stop laughing as Thug 1 speaks again: "Man I don't know, I think he really means it."

Thug 2 can barely contain his laugh as they both burst into laughing again: "What could you have done to get Endeavor's attention?"

Garbage man starts to stand up: "I caused the Kimonos Mall incident." The two stop laughing, as the man continues: "Some kid had a strong quirk and I triggered it, boom no control, 137 dead in 5 minutes. Kid basically erupted like a volcano."

Endeavor heard all he needed to know this was the right guy. He flares up, jetting around the corner grabbing the two thugs by the heads and slamming them to the ground. He turns to grab the villain only for the villain to beat him to it, grabbing his hand. The man jumps away as Endeavor flares up more and more.

The man laughs as he backs away: "Like my quirk? One touch and you have no control. Enjoy burning to the ground number 2."

Endeavor takes a step towards him: "This heat, this flame is nothing, if I knock you out I bet I will get control again. Shall I test that theory?"

Endeavor sprints at the man as he reaches down and touches one of the thugs causing the alley to be filled with high wind, pushing Endeavor back. Endeavor regains control over his quirk, and smirks.

Firing up he pushes through the winds: "You can only affect one quirk at a time, and you need to touch them directly, which means you won't get me again."

Endeavor fires a ball of fire at the man only for him to barely dodge thanks to the wind. He reaches over touching the second thug causing the wind to die down, right as the second thug grows spines and fires the everywhere cause the man to dive to the ground to avoid them, Endeavor burns away at the spines only for a few flaming spines to get through and stick into him. The man grabs his own hand causing the spines to stop. Endeavor drops to the ground unable to move.

The man chuckles picking himself off the ground: "I chose these two to meet for a reason. Both of their quirks together could work against you but those thick heads wouldn't work with me so this was the best I could do." He looks at Endeavor as he attempts to move: "Sorry number 2 but you got at least an hour before you could move your toes.... hey since you can't even use your quirk like this, how about I make a name for myself. I think I could make it pretty far in the villainous underworld if I kill the number 2 hero."

The man pulls a knife out and takes a step towards Endeavor. The quiet of the alleyway fills with the sound of summoning magic as a draconic skull appears in front of Endeavor before firing a blast of magic at the knife wielding man. The blast consumes the man, and as quickly as the skull appeared it disappeared. The man drops the knife, grabbing the center of his chest as a purple soul floats in front of him.

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