Introduction: The Diary

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--Third Person--
A sigh rings out from the lonely demon as they drop their feather. looking out to the night sky smiling happily. Suddenly they bust out into a laughter, but as soon as they calmed down they sigh going back to writing with their feather, humming a song they remember.

--First person--

I am Ivan, I'm a void demon. I..don't know where I came from. All I know is that its a void. According to some of the books humans have written. I'm not allowed out... Last time I was..ehm.. lets just say that, there was almost no Mississippi Boat.. I have good memory dispite not remembering where I came from. Yet, I have nightmares... bad ones to the point I woke Deku and Kommo once. Deku is Cyberghost, and Kommo, Hehe, I keep hearing Deku calling them a pokemon so, I guess their a pokemon? Whatever that is. This something about this world I'm still learning about. Deku keeps trying to make me us a 'pen' instead of a Feather. I was even told to read books slowly and not glide right through them. Yet I still remember what they were about.

My nightmares however... everyday they gotten worse. For what reason I don't know... I haven't told anyone about them. I wave of fear washes over me when I get woken from one. I know my friends are worried about me when I have them. They feel so real, the nightmares... Yet, I'm just like the rest, I need sleep, I need food, I need water to survive.. God I feel tired.. I don't want to sleep though.. I know I would have one. The night sky is sweet.. It's calming distpite my group creates chaos. Theres been a lot that has happened on Earth and the mortals. Sad to know what the children have to go through. Its like two birds on a wire, Yet only one can fly.

I wonder... If the worlds end now, would people from other worlds come along and read this diary? If they do, Sorry this happened. I don't know the understanding of this world. Sigh, oh well, Another time, Another Year, Another universe I suppose, someone is doing the exact thing..

--Third Person--

Ivan sets their feather down onto the table yawning as they sit back looking at the moon and unexpectedly falling asleep as the unwanted darkness surrounds them. Their short, messy umber hair covers their left eye, and their mono tone read poncho covers their burns and scars of unknown. A unknown, for they will never find, understand or fullfil. A unknown that they will never break from the curse betold on them from a home they never understood.


HHHHH- HHAHAHAHAH Prologe or whatever, Anyways, I hope this is a good one- uh- I will update this here and there. Til then, first three chatpers will be posted, also I didn't proof read this so sorry if theirs any mistakes, Normally I would but I'm tired to do so. so sorry :( Again, There will be slow updates and probably moments I would become dead. Thats is writers block, otherwise I will try to update when I can.

Ivan belongs to me,
Deku belongs to Miss Deku Author
Kommo belongs to Kommo

Sides stories that have some expaintion will be in the story book or in The book of Random.

Words : 566

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