Chapter 1: Day of Work

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Oh shit- I'm gonna be SO late. I can't believe I'm gonna be late for work. Oh I hope his majasty hasn't notice! wait where is my boats!? oh my Goea.

--Third POV--

As the umber haired slides downs their banster to the front door, quickly picking up their battle boats and darting out of the house, already 2 mins behind schelduce. panicing over what the King would do to them, they quickly bosted themself up into the air and gracefully glades to the large Castle dazzled in Royal Golds and Reds. "Ah, the Diau Empire. Such a love place to be- er.. thas is if you aren't a raider or a enemy, or your straight up late. Oh goea. I'm so Fucked." The umber haired man said as they finally arrived at the gate. Showing their badge and rushing in fixing their hair to look presentable to the royal family. Taking a breath in, clearing their mind of anxity, putting their royal clip on as they enter the Throne room. As they arrive to the Thrones, He bows in front of the Queen, Prince, Princess, and King. "Your royal Highness--" "Your late." the king cuts off the umber haired male. ".. I'm sorry your highness. It won't happen again-" "Tell me, what happened that caused you to be so late?" the queen asks calmly dispite the king's pircing death stare. "I..uhm.." Taking in a deep breathe and exhaling it, "I..overslept my queen." "Awe, how come?" "Their was fight in town square, I had to desolve it before it became a hassle for the guards, I'm sorry, I swear I won't be late again. I'll be extra early--" "What was the fight about?" the Princess speaks up questioning the umber hair, "I... don't think i'm allowed to say My lady," "Awe, I really wanna knoow. Was it about mee?" The umber hair though to himself. 'I don't think anyone wants to deal with princess who thinks to highly of themself.' "I..can't answer that, my lady." he responds. The princess awed as the king taps the handle of his chair. "Well, don't be late again got that Evan." "Yes your highness." "Good, now I want to know where the trainer is for my son." "right sir," Evan says standing up straight summoning their clipboard with the days work. "Well, it appeared they are suppose to be here in as the sun is qator, your highness." "Father, thats a like hour from now, I can still do my royal duties." "Sigh, Evan, please take my son and get him prepared for training." "as you wish," Evan says bowing. The prince gets up and walk away with his hands on his hips as Evan follows behind him.

-hour later-

"You know, you seem like you got something on your mind, what is it Evan?" The prince says as he sits against a tree. "Hm? oh, uh..nothing," "Is it because I'm a prince of a overhuge kingdom?" "what? no, just something a royal member shouldn't worry about." "says the one with dark circles under their eyes." "eh?!" "what? I know you haven't slept. You paused when you are tired. Don't think I don't know." "Well, I have slept if thats what you wanted to know." "Coffee isn't sleep Evan" the prince said calling out the tired advisor. "Sooo how many?" "2.." "bullshit." "20?" "nhn" "Sigh, 470." "Damn, how are you not dead?" "There is a reason why I'm a Royal advisor my lord." "And that is??" "Your trainer is here." "come onnn. As soon as I got to start knowing you!" "some day you'll get to fully know me My lord." Evan says with tired smile as the tranier comes over with a bold smirk. "Hey their Princeyy." "..your joking me Evan" "..i wish I was." Evan sighs as he bows to the trainer and introduces himself. "Greeting, I am Evan the Royal advisor--" "Blah Blah Blah, yeah yeah yeah I know." the trainer spoke out of turn. "Rude much?" Evan asks. "I just have low pastinace." "More like a kuaka." "I AM NOT A KUAKA!" " ears.." Evan says weakly as he cover his ears causing the prince to become worried. "Evan? Are you okay?" "Yes, my lord, please, don't be worried about me, I'll be okay." "Alright.." "Alright alright jeez, lets get started My Prince."

--A few hours of training and lost of time and peace.--

"he-he, look how adorable Evan looks when he's asleep." "Seriously? That's what got you so destracted?" "what? Only once in a while will you ever be able to see him sleep. Give me a break." "Suuurre. Are you sure you don't like him?" The other chokes on their existance for a moment before look at the other, "DUDE-" "shh, gonna wake him." "Oh no- did I?" "ha-ha, you so like him brother." "I- you dick." "Ha-ha!" "You know, It's creepy watching someone sleep you two." The umber haired said appearing behind the princess and Prince, causing them both to squeal and falling onto their asses. Evan sighs as he stands up straight. "If you wanted to spy its best to be just quiet and not allow them to feel your aura." "Wait you can feel our aura?" "oh course. it would be unlikely for a royal advisor to not know. How else do think I know you are behind a wall, or a door." "wow." the princess says surprised. "what else can you do?" "I can do many others things." "Can you do Magic?!" "what kind of question is that?" "well you see, since you live with the villagers, we thought that you didn't know how to use magic, beside the minor stuff like teleportation and telepath." "well to answer, yes, I can do other magic stuff. Nothing impressive." "Can you teach us?" "...pardon?" Evan stares at the two in shock. "I.. can get you a magic user who can teach you. I'm in no role to teach such high powers such as royals." "Come onn pleasee? We'll get father to approve but pleaseee can you teach us??" "I..sigh, you ain't gonna stop til I do." The royal children nods not giving up with what they want their advisor to do for them. "If only you get the queen and king to approve will I only teach you both." Evan says cutting a deal. The princess and Prince celabrates excited for their parents approves. Meanwhile Evan sighs but smiles see them so happy. The Princess and Prince quickly run off to go ask their parents as Evan stares at the beautful mixed sky of purples and blues. . . 'the day isn't over yet..' Evan thought as Evan steps outside on the soft green grass, feeling the burning feeling of the sun pound on their pale skin. Taking a breath of the fresh air. Feeling the breeze brush against their clothing, hair, and skin.. A voice behind them speaks up, "Hello Sir Evan" "Hm? oh Hello Lady Airya" Evan says turning to the older woman with a smile. "What a lovely day we have, don't you say?" "mhn, very much so, Its nice to take a break and take in a wonderful day like this." "Agree, but here at the castle their nothing much of a break." "Hahaha your right, heh," "I question how you don't turn a different color in the sun, I can't stand out here with out getting burnt." "I suppose I'm so pale I just obsorb it and not burn." "hehehe, you should get that checked out." "I have, doc says its because of my magic I just seem to turn the sun's energy into magic, a rare condition." "Must be a blessing then, I remember a warrior with that condition, what a blessing indeed.." "A blessing? hah, more of curse than anything." Evan sighs "now where is that feather." Evan huffs. "Hahahahaha- even with magic you still forget where you feather is, " "Heyy give me break will ya? I been running around..." Evan whines as Airya pucks a feather out of Evan's umber hair. "oh, uh... thank you Ms, Airya." "Go long now, I'm sure the Princess and Prince are gonna die if you don't teach them magic." "haha, yeah I suppose so, thank you," "No problem, you be safe now" "alright, oh and Can I stop by and have some of your suovies? They are so good" "Of course, you can stop by anytime" "Dankuia!" Evan says waving Airya goodbye and heads off to the throne room.


Hh- Chapter 1, fun, hehehe, again not gonna proof read because holy shit there is a lot of words and my english brain will CRASH--

anyways, Translationssss :

[1] Goea == "God/Goddess"
[2] Kuaka(Kusuka) = "Karen/Bitch"
[3] Dankuia == "Thank you"
[4] Suovies(Svouviek) == "Cookie/pastries"

Airya Belongs to me, The normal Crackhead/TicciKitten
Evan belongs to me, The normal Crackhead/Ticcikitten

art work is by me.

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