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???: So, they are still here?

Aria: Henry? What are you doing here? Don't you have training now?

Henrik: We do, but we thought it was going to be better to be here with the wonderful families.

Connor: We could send them home; they clearly don't deserve to be here.

Aria: Connor!

Caleb: Sorry mom, I tried to keep them away.

Three: Momma's boy!

Elijah: Who are they?

Aria: My sons.

Kol: All of them?

Aria: Quadruplets.

Marcel: WOW!

Henry: We just wanted to see the new girls, and to tell them to get the hell out of the school.

Aria: Henry!

Hayley: Are you talking about my daughter?

Henrik: He used "them", its plural, he meant the three girls wereslut.

Hayley: Who are you to talk about my daughter.

Henrik: Again plural. But we are the people that don't want your kind here.

As soon as he finished to talk Hayley attacked him, pinning on a wall by the neck. She had her hybrids eyes and fangs out about to bite him but before she could bite him, she felt an immense pain in her head that made her drop on her knees and bleed through her eyes. On the other side Aria was standing with one hand in the air, Harley and Faith were behind her.

Aria: Don't you touch my son.

Henrik was coughing hard while Caleb and Connor were helping him, Henry was standing in front of them in a protective form. As soon as Henrik could breathe better, they went to their mom's side. They stand behind their mother and in front of the youngest. All this while she inflicted pain on Hayley.

Klaus: Aria stop.

Aria: Why should I? She attacked my son.

???: Who attacked who?

Since the door was already broken and opened nobody saw nor heard when Alexander arrived. He had just come back from dealing with an important matter form the Clave and was going to see his wife, if she had already finished, to fin a tense room where his youngest looked scared, Henrik had a, fading, purple mark on his neck and the other three were in an attack position.

He didn't wait a second to go to his wife's side and to check Henrik. He used both hands to examine the bruise, it was clearly made by a hand. His anger went to the roof, making his eyes change colors, one was white the other was black.

Alexander: Who did that to my son?

Hayley: He said things about my daughter.

Aria: No, he said that he didn't want them here. "Them" in plural, not only yours.

Alexander: That is not a reason to attack anyone, especially my son.

Aria LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now