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Weeks later

Weeks have passed and everything have gone to normal. In the Mikaelson family, Hope had forgiven her father. Hope Lizzie and Josie had made more friends, them being Rafael, Landon, Jed, Kaleb, MG, and Penelope, their lives in their clubs were better. Hope was enjoying her club but of course without talking to Prometheus unless was necessary, which didn't affect her as much as she thought it would. And the twins are having fun playing football.

For the Lightwood family, not having any contact with any of them, unless you count seeing each other in hallway in school, but they had gotten used to this and are happy with the way things went. The only thing they don't know is that since yesterday Aria had started to get roses and paintings, all romantic, all from Klaus. Silas and Kai have been burning them every time they found one and Aria have been stopping Alexander to go there and kill him.

Aria: What are we going to do?

Alexander: What do you think? I am going to go there and demand him to stop. Really has only been two days and you receive them every hour.

Silas: He should be doing that to Caroline or any other woman.

Kai: Still, what we are going to do?

Aria: We are going there and I'm going to reject him.

Alexander: We?

Aria: Yeah, you and me.

Silas: You go there as a couple and reject him, showing him why you did that.

Kai: Smart. Cruel, but smart.

Alexander: So, what are we waiting for, let's go.

Both, holding hands, left the school, leaving in Silas hand for the day, got in the car and left to the Mikaelson mansion. Arriving there, the door was opened by Rebekah, who was really surprised to see them there.

Rebekah: Aria, Alexander, what are you doing here?

Aria: Hi Rebekah, we are here to see Klaus, we have something to tell him.

Rebekah: Oh, okay. Well, get in, I'm going to call him.

Both got inside and sat down on the couch, minutes later Klaus appeared there. Rebekah just got to say that Aria was there, and he run away from his room and went to the living room, but his momentary happiness ended when he saw that Alexander was there too.

Klaus: Aria, Alexander, what are you doing here?

Aria: Is about the flowers and paintings you sanded.

Klaus: Did you liked them?

Aria: I didn't even saw them, I asked to Silas and Kai to burn them all.

Klaus: Why would you do that?

Aria: I did because you are sending them to me. I don't want them; I want you to stop.

Klaus: Why? Because you are with him?

Aria: Yes, because I am with my soulmate.

Klaus: I was your soulmate.

Aria: WERE. You were my soulmate and if my memory is correct, you rejected me, not the way around. I got over it, you should too.

Klaus: You are rejecting me?

Aria: Yes, I am.

With that they both left. It was a great plan; Alexander stays quiet to show that it was an entirely decision made by Aria. Which was. A perfect plan, rejecting him and leaving with the perfect soulmate someone can get. But they just ignored one little detail of who Klaus Mikaelson is, he is determined and vengeful. He didn't like what they did and planned to get revenge. Bad for him, his revenge would involve her kids, bad move for him.

Back to the Lightwood couple, they were grinning from ear to ear thinking that what they just did solved everything. It didn't, but it gave them some time to be happy before the next Mikaelson waved it them. But there was not the only wave in their hands. There is one next door to the Mikaelsons, the Mystic Falls Gang. Her sister and ex-friends, they have been quiet for a while. They thought that they were just doing what they had been doing for the last eighteen years, ignoring her. But no, they were planning on having them for dinner. They saw the invite on the door as soon as they arrived home.

Yeah, looks like everyone in this town lovee diners. Really, why dinners? Why not send a "sorry for the pain I caused" card? Or they could have just kept ignoring her for the rest of their lives.

Connor: Another invite?

Emma: Another dinner?

Proteus: Why do they keep inviting us to so many dinners?

Alec: They think it will solve everything.

Anthony: Bunch of idiots.

Parents: Anthony!

Anthony: Sorry but is true.

Helios: So, what? We go to this one too?

Aria: I don't know. I don't think so.

Alexander: We went to the Mikaelsons dinner because it would be beneficial to us, but this isn't.

Aria: I don't want to go.

Alexander: So, we won't. I will send them a letter that we won't.

Aria: Thank you, baby. I got go, have meeting with the school from Japan, they want to add an extra class for mermaids, they have one of the biggest clans in the world.

Aria went upstairs, leaving just the kids with their dad.

Ares: You are not going to send them a letter, right?

Alexander: Of course, no, I will go there and tell them to stay away myself.

Atlas: And you are going to lie to mom. Good luck later.

Alexander: I just don't want them to hurt your mom even more.

Harley: Why did they hurt mom?

Helios: Because they are jerks.

Hades: Helios!

Helios: Sorry.

Alexander: Long time ago they did something bad to mom and them ignored her for eighteen years and now they want to apologize.

Faith: are they evil daddy?

Alexander: A little, but you know that your mom and I and all you other siblings will protect you, don't you?

Faith: Yeah.

Alexander: So, you don't have anything to worry about. Alright, changing subjects for a happier one, quads, Aiden and Emma go finish your homework, Alec help Faith with hers, Andrew with Harley. Anthony, I know you didn't finish your so go do it. Proteus and Prometheus finish their extracurricular activities. The rest came and helped me with dinner.

All: Kay dad.

During the whole time Aria was in a meeting the kids finished the homework and the others helped their dad make dinner. It's twenty people, that's a lot of food. When she got down, she was surprised that the kitchen wasn't burning but her husband was dirty. She sent him upstairs to change his clothes and call the kids, while she got the table ready. He came back with the kids five minutes later. They had a great dinner and then went to sleep.

Aria LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now