Chapter 24

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3rd POV. Infinity Train.

As the loud horn from the train was heard, Sora, who used to work in maintaining the train, immediately knew that signals the trains departure.

Sora: The train is going to it's destination.

Sora: I wonder if Tanjiro and the others managed to board the train.

Sora: Wait, this is also the very first time that Tanjiro will board a train. Considering that the first time he ever set foot in an urban area......

Sora: It was when Tanjiro got sent in Asakusa, Tokyo.

Sora: The place where he met Muzan for the very first time. That is what Tanjiro told me.

Sora: Now having regained a part of my memory of encountering the Progenitor of Demons himself.

Sora: But it is only just a moment.

Sora: I never knew what happened but I think I fought him and I somehow survived.

Sora: Anyways.......

Sora finished eating the bento and is currently drinking the tea that he bought.

Sora: To think that they even warmed this up and then put it in a glass bottle.

Sora: I wonder that besides from trains, what other things have improved from the West?

Sora: I heard from the boss before that the West went through an era called the Industrial Revolution.

Sora: If I remember correctly......the chief, from the former company that I used to work for........

Sora: He told us that Japan underwent the Industrial Revolution around two years after the Sakoku Edict, it was the 2nd year of Meiji.

Sora: The government finally decided to catch up with the West. I mean, I guess that's a good thing.

Sora: Just imagine isolating the country from the rest of the world for like 200 years.......

Sora: Wouldn't that affect the economy? I mean, by isolating the country, although they kept Nagasaki as the port for trade......but that wouldn't be enough.

Sora: The chief told us that the world would be a better place if each country are open to establish a connection and share our culture, inventions, ideas.....

Sora: He thought that is how the West got to improve their way of life.

Sora: But we mustn't never forget that if there are benefits, there are also disadvantages to be found.

Sora: Maybe an example that I can relate is the incident that caused our company to shut down and dismiss all the workers.

Sora: An accident that we never even knew what caused of it.

Sora: As much as we wanted to investigate, the court didn't allow us.

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