High As Always

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*Anka's POV*

I've just stolen a bunch of weapons for my oldest sister, Satsujin. Her and our dad had been up to something for a while now but i heard it only now. They want to rule the world and they are started to go with the plan which means it already started.

The reason i stole these weapons is that i wanna give them to Satsujin as a huge gift and make her stop following their plan so my dad can't continue. Yes, i heard that he can make it happen only if she helps him with that.

Actually i am the closest with dad, but Satsujin is the strongest and most dangerous of all three of us. And yes, three of us. Our dad is Shredder and he adopted me and my two older sisters Karai and Satsujin.

Anyways i almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Anka and i'm addicted to drugs. And when i say addicted i really mean it. Any kind of strong drug. And right now i'm also high. Like high as fuck.

Now i'm running out of a building with my backpack full of pistols and small but expensive weapons. First i thought i just felt something because of the drug i took but someone or something really did pull me back.

I started punching and kicking the air. Damn they are good at what they are doing. They put a sack on my head so i couldn't see a thing.

Suddenly my nose smelt... Well i don't know what it is but it smells disgusting. Am i in the sewer? Why the fuck would anyone bring me down here? Nah it can't be the sewer it must be the drugs i took.

I also felt since they got me that an unnaturally big hand were wrapped around me and holding me down like i can't even move. I honestly like it it's very comfortable. I'ma start humming my favorite song that they always play at the bar where i go to get my drugs. It's kill v. maim.

"Don't you guys think there's something wrong with her?" A voice asks. But it's not from the one that is holding me. There are two of them? Fuck no.

"Well of course there's something wrong with this dudette like who would stole anything? It's a bad habit." Another voice said but still isn't from the one who's holding me. Three boys? Shit. But his voice is kinda cute. He seems to be a nice guy. But i'm gonna kick his ass.

"Her." A raspy voice answered instantly. Four boys are kidnapping me? No fuck thanks. "She's obviously on drugs. Can't you guys see her condition?" Talked finally the one who was holding me. He has a kind of cute voice too.

I heard a door opening and i'm pretty sure we are walking into a room with the lights finally on. "It's okay sweetheart we're not gonna hurt you we are just gonna ask you some questions." Said the guy whose voice I heard firstly.

I grumbled. I mean it could sound weird but what else should a girl do with a lot of drug in her body and also being kidnapped? Tell me if you can think of any other thing that makes more sense. "I wonder what type of dog food she ate." The raspy voice said with a quiet laugh after.

"It's not funny Raph!" Said the one who held me and actually just put me down. "You don't know what type of drug she took and if she weren't careful enough she can die in any moment!"

"Yeah well i'm not that stupid." I said unwantedly joining their converstation. "Trust me i know how to take drugs." "Oh so dogs can talk?" Spoke the guy with the raspy voice again. He kinda reminds me of Satsujin.

"Why do you have to be so rude?" I asked in a sad tone. "I just wanted to save the word!" "Wait wait wait. What do you mean by saving the world?" Spoke another guy actually the one who spoke first and he took the sack off my head. AND THEY WERE TURTLES.

"Is this because of the drugs i took?" I asked myself. "No, sweetheart. This is the pure reality." The raspy voice spoke again. I turned my headt to the sound's direction and i saw another turtle with a red mask on.

"You guys look like ninjas!" I started giggling and swinging my feet. "Because we are." A blue masked turtle said. Now i'm starting to match the voice with their owners. "Now tell me, what was that world saving thing you just told us?"

"Well..." I started picking the bandage on my leg while looking down. "I have two sisters and the oldest and dad wants to rule the world and i thought if i get her something nice she will stop. And if she stops my dad fails because i overheard that he can't do it without her. But if i think about it again weapons would make it just easier for her."

"And what's your dad's name?" A tall purple masked turtle asked. He had the other cute voice and i also realised he was holding me while going down here.

"Oroku Sai but most people knows him as Shredder." I answered. "But i don't really like what he's doing. It's bad." "Shredder?! Him?! For real?!" An orange masked turtle asked loudly. He looked terrified. "Yes. You guys know him?" I asked back.

"And you know Karai?" The blue masked turtle asked immediately not giving a flying fuck about my question. "Yeah, she's my other sister. She's actually the middle child. The oldest is Satsujin and the youngest is me."

"Oh, i'm a youngest sibling too!" The orange masked turtle said. "We are literally the coolest!" After what he said the red masked turtle slapped him from the back. "Ow!"

"And what does he have to do with the world?" The purple masked turtle asked another question. "I don't know." I looked back now. "I don't remember i was high."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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