when you're doing it

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Moon Jo
Moon Jo is the type of boyfriend who would love sex with you, and would not be hesitant to try out new positions or switching roles.

He loves it when you become his dominant noona sometimes, but he prefers to be on top and hear you moan his name in his ears mostly.

He LOVES BDSM. He has many kinks! (hold ur horny horses, more about it in next chapter 😛)

when you both did it for the first time.
after years of dating and finally getting to know that Moon Jo is a psychopath, you both made love.

Of course Moon Jo was the one who initiated it. You both were on the terrace talking about stuff when he smashed his lips against yours. You understood what the deep, wet kiss meant. So without hesitation, you wrapped his legs around his waist.

As he threw you on the bed, you got a chill that made you snap back in your senses, that immediately told you that you were still a virgin.

"Moon Jo.."


"I have never done this before."

"don't you worry sweetheart. I'll make sure to make it slow and easy. But after the 2nd round, do not expect me to go with a slow pace.."

and with that you and Moon Jo fucked till the sunrise and you were sore next morning. But it was painfully delicious!

Jong Woo
Jong Woo is a submissive boyfriend. He loves it when you make him feel satisfied and you feel so accomplished when he moans your name in your ear, trembling with pleasure as he reaches his climax. But he is on to at times and when he is, you wake up with hundreds of marks on your body.

He is into slow and romantic sex. With slow thrusts which make your insides burst with pleasure. He hates spanking and degradation, for he thinks that his lover should be highly respected and taken care of.

when you have sex.
you made love with Jong Woo after 6 years of relationship. The reason being, he was hesitant. And therefore you were the one who started it. At first he was shocked, but then he dived into the game and made you moan his name so loud that the neighbours thought of something else. After you had sex, he made sure he cuddled you to sleep and drank water.

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