Fluff alphabet: A 'affection'

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Moon Jo

Moon Jo is the type of boyfriend who would show affection through little things, such as making you jewellery out of his victim's teeth, putting you to sleep, reading together, getting rid of corpses together (as creepy as it may sound, but for him it's the world when you help him in his sins.), and cooking for you.

Yes, he is a protective boyfriend (not too over protective, he knows that you need some space.) He often just holds you and drifts off to sleep. He is insomniac, but magically, your touch makes him feel at ease and he just melts into your arms.

Jong Woo
Jong Woo is the type of boyfriend who would show his love for you through poetries. He is a very artistic person, and loves to convey his love and affection through little poems or little passages of rhyme. He would read his beautiful poems aloud to you, or would write them down to sticky notes so that if he is not around, you could get an idea how much he loves you.

He would constantly make you feel like his everything, and would be veryyy touchy. Fluffiest boyfriend to ever exist!

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