Two and a half men or more

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Pairings (for now):

Twst: Crowley x Crewel. Ruggie x Epel. Ace, Deuce, Yuu x Xiu Ya.

Svsss: Luo Binghe x Shen Yuan. Mobei Jun x Shang Qinghua. Sha Hualing x Liu Mingyan

Xiu Ya's love interests: Ace, Deuce, Yuu, Jack, Sebek, Silver, Trey, Cater, students in RSA, Neige, and Chenya.

Xiu Ya's friends: Ace, Deuce, Riddle, Kalim, Ruggie, Epel, Sebek, Epel, Silver, Trey, Floyd, Lilia and Cater.

Shen Jiu's love interests: Twst: Riddle, Leona, Malleus, Vil, Rook, Jamil, Kalim, Lilia, Idia, Azul, Floyd, and Jade.
Svsss: Yue QingYuan, Liu Qingge, Zhuzhi Lang, Gongyi Xiao, and original Luo Binghe.
Shen Jiu's Friends: twst: Xiu Ya, Yuu, Ace, Deuce, Epel, Ruggie, Grim, Cater, Sebek, and Silver.
Svsss: Shen Yuan, Shang Qinghua, and Luo Binghe.
Shen Jiu opened his eyes to see darkness. Sitting up, he looked around to see it was nighttime. He was surrounded by a forest that seemed to ooze with danger and fear. Shen Jiu remained calm. This probably wouldn't be the first time he was about to be brutalized by life itself.

"Where exactly am I?" He looked around when he heard his voice. It was high-pitched and felt smaller than usual. He found a pond near him and gapped at what he saw. "What the hell?!" He yelled to no one. He cursed the voice of having him hit him on this: experiencing a regression of age; a four-year-old.

This was humiliating! What kind of hell was he going to going to go through next?! "System! What kind of sick joke is this?!" His high, squeaky voice yelled again.

"User wished to start his life over. User is very cute by the way." Shen Jiu growled, "I was expecting to be in a house. And why the hell am I in a forest?! Did my so-called parents repeat history and bailed out on their child again in this next life?" Shen Jiu knew it was folly to follow the orders, especially the ones of something or someone he did not know. 'What's next?' Was Qui Jianluo or worse his former Shizun, Wu Yanzi going to come after him next?! He knew either option was going to end up with a bad result.

He heard the voices of two men speaking or having an argument with each other. Neither of the men tormented Shen Jiu in his first life appeared.

However, to Shen Jiu, it seemed one-sided as one of the men couldn't understand what they were saying.

Then he heard a familiar disembodied voice. "Request granted. Does the user wish to translate to in order gain comprehension and vice versa? Choose yes or no."

The screen appeared. He had barely been able to choose yes and dismiss the voice when he was tackled to the ground. "Master Shen!!" Looking down on himself was an older boy that looked about three years old with long, platinum hair. Wore a yellow-white robe and golden sandals. He found himself wrapped in the boy's surprisingly strong arms and to his disgust was crying into his shoulder, "Get off me!"

"Lord Shen, this servant has reunited with you!" "The boy sobbed. "I don't even know who you are and stop crying!" Shen Jiu glared at him, satisfied with the submissive obedience and shocked look of the boy when he finally pulled away. "This one is Lord Shen's Sword Xiu Ya." He had those blue eyes that glowed in the dark.

Shen Jiu's irritation died down a little. "You are Xiu Ya?" As much as he didn't want to believe it, he knew the earnest look in the young boy's eyes held not false.

"This servant apologizes for his childishness but could not bare another minute in the stranger that wore Lord Shen's face as he could not capture the true essence of my real one. And the second, I felt your soul leave, I traveled through time and space and found you here."

Shen Jiu crossed his arms "I am not a peak lord anymore so don't refer to me with the title. I never liked it anyway!" He glared. The boy hunched "then what would Master Shen would like me to call him?" His big blue eyes looked up at him. Shen Jiu rolled his eyes as he flicked the boy's head. "Just Shen Jiu."

"A couple of strays?" Shen Jiu and Xiu Ya looked up to see two men have walked up to them.

What perplexed Shen Jiu was their physical appearance: one of the men had a long thick white coat with spots on it, his overalls were black, and wore a red shirt. He had gray eyes. His hair was quite particular as it was not of one but two separate colors which were the colors white and black that of which conjoined in the middle of his hair.

The other man wore a long dark blue cloak, pants, and shirt. He wore a mask that was odd in the shape of a crow and had a cane. He also had those eyes whose color reminded him of the sun itself. 

Shen Jiu was about to retort when the screen appeared. "System, are these men after me?" He demanded. "In answering the user's question, the two men are teachers in an enchanted school."

Shen Jiu scoffed, "typical..." then he double-checked what was said. "Wait, did you say enchanted? What rubbish!"

"As much as this system would like to agree with user Shen Jiu, this system is not capable of lying. User is one to talk as he had worked with people with unique abilities." Shen Jiu was to retort on that. "And before the user becomes typical in his essence, he must try to conjure a plausible excuse to the man why they are on their own."

Shen Jiu scoffed. 'Conjure? I already have a solid explanation; my good-for-nothing parents left here again!' With that thought, the screen disappeared.

Shen Jiu knew this was a different dimension and did not know whether or not to go along with these men. Depending on people was never one of his strong points, but now that he was a child; a toddler.

"This one and his brother have been left behind by their parents and they have nowhere to go..." Shen Jiu murmured.

The two men's eyes widened. Never mind the surprising vocabulary of the toddler, but rather his situation.

"Are we on the same page, Divus? For one so magnanimous, I say cannot leave them here..." declared Crowley.

"Indeed, Dire. A couple of mutts that left their pups to fend for themselves and until they are found, they must be muzzled for the beasts they are!"

"Then it is settled!" Crowley grinned. He turned to the two boys. "My partner Divus Crewel and I, the ever so gracious headmaster/headmage Dire Crowley have come into an agreement and until your parents arrive, you boys may stay with us!"

"Yay!" Xiu Ya clapped.

Shen Jiu knew.
He had no choice. Very well. He will play the distrustful, yet innocent. He did not know if his parents were in this world.

He sensed no threat from either of them but that didn't mean he trusted them any bit and the second they try to hurt him, he'd have to wait until the right moment to strike at them and kill them. If he could do it before with Qiu's, he can do it again.

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