Part 91

357 13 8

At 5 pm

Dixie's pov:
I woke up and didn't saw Noah next to me , I just saw daisy and Leo . I walked out of the room and saw him hanging up from a call.

D: ( hugs Noah from behind)
N: oh gm honey ( kisses her cheek ) how did you sleep ?
D: good
N: ( rubs the back of her head )
D: who were you talking to?
N: Sophie
D: what did she want ?
N: she wanted us to come for dinner
D: and what did you say ?
N: I said no , I thought after the text , you don't have the mood to hang out with anyone
D: you're right , I just wanna cling into you the whole time
N: ( picks her up )
D: ( wraps her legs around him )
N: okay hat do you wanna do ?
D: I want kisses
N: I'll give you kisses but not here ( goes to the living room and sits on the couch )
D: ( on his lap ) can I get my kisses now ?
N: ofc ( kisses her )
D: I said kisses ! Not kiss !
N: ( kisses her 5 times ) now ?
D: I wanted more but it's okay
N: ( hugs her ) yk I'll always love you right ?
D: mhm I know , and I'll always love you too

After few days , at 2 pm

Dixie's pov :
Me and tho kids are in the living room and Noah was working in his office. We were peacefully sitting in the living room then we started hearing a loud warning alarm which made us freak out. The kids started crying and I held them in my lap . Some men started running around the house which also made me worried . Then I saw Noah running to the living room .

N: ( hugs them ) thank god y'all are okay !
D: n-Noah what's going on ?
N: there's someone who's attacking the mansion baby . I want you to listen to me carefully ok ?
D: o-ok
N: Adam will take you and the kids to a room which is under the house , just in case something happen , you guys will be safe
D: what about you?!
N: I'll be fine bub . ADAM !
Ad: ( runs to Noah ) yes sir ?
N: take Dixie and the kids to A21 room and stay with them
Ad: ok sir
D: no ! Noah I'm not leaving you here !
Ds: daddy come with us !
N: ( kisses their heads ) hi dixie !
D: ( goes with Adam )
Noah's man 1: sir we can't stop them ! We tried killing then but they're too much men !
N: ok , where's their boss ?
Noah's man 1: he's outside the house
N: ok ( walks outside)
L: well well well , nice to see you again beck ( smirks )
N: Luna , nice to see you again too. ( smirks )
L: I'm not here alone , I'm here with one of your enemies
Jk: remember me ?
N: I do , what do you want ?
L: Dixie
Jk: money
N: both of the answers are no , leave now !
Jk: ( points the gun on him ) I'll do it ( walks closer to him )
N: ( points his gun at him and walks closer to him ) do it
Jk: I wi-
N: ( shoots him right on his chest/heart )
L: you wanna play games huh ? We can play games too ( takes jakes gun and points it at Noah )
N: shoot me Luna , I know you won't do it
L: and what if I did ?
N: you won't shoot it on me
L: ( shoots but flinches so the bullet did touch Noah ) dang it !
N: see ? I told you ( takes the gun from her and shoots in the air ) there was only one bullet in here . Give up Luna , you won't get what you want , you'll never get it
L: yes I will ! ( runs towards Noah )
N: ( grabs her by her throat ) what are you gonna do now ?
L: y-you
N: ( tightens his grip on her ) what did you say ? I can't hear you ?
L: ( can't talk )
N: you can't talk huh ? Do g make me kill you luna , you were a nice person. What happened to you ? ( let her go )
L: ( starts breathing) y-you son of a b!tch ! You were about to kill me !
N: shush ! Luna you have only 1 minute to leave , if you didn't , I'll kill you rn
D: DONT ! ( runs to Noah )
L: ( smirks )
N: Dixie go back in
D: no Noah ! Don't kill her !
Ad: sorry sir , I had to let her go
N: we'll talk about this later . Dixie go back in
L: oh just like I wanted ( smirks)
D: what do you want from me ?! I didn't do anything to you !
N: Dixie go back in
D: no Noah let me talk ! Luna what happened to you ? I literally did nothing but love you from my heart! What made you like that ? What made you hate me so much ?! ( tearing up )
L: you dixie ! You made me hate you !
D: and what did-
N: ( gives Dixie the gun ) do it and don't waist your breath on her
D: ( points the gun at her )
L: no no Dixie I'm sorry ! I swear I won't do it again!
D: say your last words Luna
L: I love you Noah ! I've always did !
D: ( shoots her )
L: ( falls on the ground)
D: no no no what did I do ?? ( starts sobbing )
N: Adam yk what your do with the bodies , cmon Dixie ( puts his arm around her and walks back inside )

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