Part 96

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Dixie's pov:

N: ( bends over to daisy's hight ) princess I'm really sorry , I didn't know you felt like that . I'm sorry that we always send you to your room . ( hugs her ) I'll never do it again ( kisses her head then looks at Dixie and mouths to her "say something !" And pulls away from the hug )
D: babygirl I'm so sorry ( hugs her ) I promise you not to send you to your room again ( kisses her cheek )
N: also , today we're going to James's house ! You can play with the girls !
Ds: yayyyy , is Oliver going to be there too ?
N: yeah I think so
Ds: mommy ! I have to put makeup on !
D: why ?
Ds: I need to look pretty for Oliver so he can fall in love with me !
N: ( says in a low voice) wth ?
D: I'll make you the prettiest girl in the world!
Ds: thanks mommy ! ( hugs her )
D: ofc love
Mille: ( walks downstairs holding Leo ) he was crying  in his room
N: ok thanks ( takes Leo from him ) hi baby boy !
Le: dada !
N: yeah baby it's me !
Le: ( looks at Dixie and gets happy )
D: ( takes him from Noah and kisses his cheek ) gm my love
Le: ( taps on Dixie's breasts )
D: oh you're hungry ( sits on the couch and starts feeding him ).
N: when you finish feeding him, come upstairs to the room. We're not done ( takes her phone with him and goes to their room ).
D: ( sighs )

I don't understand why is noah mad at me. It's not wrong that I have a guy friend! He texted me yesterday while I was in my parents house. We were kinda close in high school and went on multiple dates together. I'm not saying that I still have feelings for him , but noah has no right to get angry. I finished feeding Leo then went to the room . Please god save me.

N: close the door
D: ( closes it )
N: you only have two choices, either you block him or we get a divorce. Choose Dixie.
D: f-fine I'll block him , but I need to say that I'm sorry first
N: ok in front of me
D: ok ( makes a voicemail) hey Derek, I'm sorry I need to block you for some personal reasons. I'm really sorry ( sends it to him then blocks him ) are you happy now ?? ( gets tears in her eyes )
N: now why are you crying?
D: this is the second friendship is ruined bc of you ! The first one was with Luna and now Derek ! Sometimes you make me hate you and wish that I went to my parents house! ( wipes her tears ) I know you're not gonna do anything about that , bc you're Noah beck , who doesn't change his words. ( rolls her eyes )
N: Dixie , you've known me for more that one year , so yk that I get jealous a lot !
D: ok you have all the right to get jealous when someone touch me or hug me , but not for texting me ! We didn't even see each other or heard each other's voices.
N: ( hugs Dixie ) im sorry
D: no
N: I'm really sorry Dixie
D: I'm not going to forgive you that easily
N: please Dixie , I hate when we fight
D: I hate it too , but you always start them . It's not my problem.
N: ( kisses her )
D: ( doesn't kiss back and wipes the kiss off ) I can't forgive you that easily Noah .
N: ( cups her face ) please Dixie , I'm so sorry
D: ( doesn't look into his eyes )
N: look at me Dixie
D: ( looks at him )
N: please...only this time
D: ( starts crying) I f@cking hate you , I hate you sm
N: ( hugs her ) im so sorry
D: ( hugs him back ) you always do this to me , hurt me then apologize. And I forgive you like a idiot girl who's obsessed with you.
N: I love you so much Dixie , so much
D: i love you too

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