000. i hate hawkins!

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i hate hawkins
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ZERO! i hate hawkins╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         Ashley Parker hated Hawkins with a living passion. She believed the small town was a complete and utter shithole, despite being proclaimed as the postcard image of traditional American suburbia. She just couldn't understand how so many people were willing to live in such a suffocating place. Call her dramatic but it made her skin crawl.

The teen girl practically had a breakdown the moment that her mother had broken the devastating news to her. She didn't want to leave Chicago, a city that she had spent her entire life in. She didn't want to live in some small unknown town in the middle of nowhere in the state of Indiana. She would of chosen any other place to live, instead of the small town but it's not like she had a choice, she was just forced to agree to the move that she didn't want to make.

This sudden uproot from her home city was the doing of her new step-father, Bradley Craver, the man that she proclaimed was ruining her life. He could only be described as an uber rich but conservative douchebag that were common to find in small towns. He was practically a walking stereotype with his cream coloured Lacoste polos and his membership to the local country club.

The older male had spent his entire life in the small town of Hawkins before deciding to make the jump into the big city to pursue his corporate career but he made sure to never lose touch of his roots. He always had a soft spot for the place that had raised him and had even moved back to raise his own family there, wanting them to experience the simplicity of life.

And as soon as the older male had begun to seriously pursue the matriarch of the Parker family, he immediately began to push the idea of her and Ashley moving in with his family . . . in Hawkins. He believed a new change of scenery would allow their families to merge into one complete unit and Michelle Parker happily agreed to the idea, thinking it was the best thing since sliced bread.

But Ashley was completely against the idea. She believed that her entire world would completely collapse if she was forced to live with this new family of people that she had already grown to hate. She loved her mother dearly but couldn't believe that she was gullible enough to agree to this. They were not cut out for the stereotypical American suburban lifestyle that they had now forced into living.

"We're here!" The excited voice of her mother filled the air as the car came to a screeching halt.

Ashley was abruptly pulled out of her daydream, causing her to let out an involuntary groan of annoyance. She knew that her fantasies had finally been ripped away from her and she was now grounded in reality, something she didn't want to experience. She lifted her head from the windowsill in the car to get better look at the new house and she couldn't help but frown at the sight.

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