Chapter 52

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"What should we do first!"

Kirari's Pov

"How about some food hm? Plus it's been a while since I've had actual carnival food." Ririka nods her head in agreement, and both Y/n and Ririka walk ahead looking for the first treat of the night.

They ended up stopping at a food station with a classic, fruit kabob. There were multiple fruits to choose from, and different styles to have them in.

We all decided on having different sticks, and just trying each other's afterwards.

"Oh my God. It's so good."

"Mhmm, I could eat this all day! Can I try yours Kirari, my beloved sisterrr?"


"Too late~!" And just like that, a whole fruit and chocolate was bitten off from my stick. Ririka just laughing while trying not to choke on her food, and Y/n taking a bite out of Ririka's without her noticing.

"Rude. Y/n took a bite out of yours by the way... anyways let's go find a ride now!"

Y/n starts running to catch up to me, laughing, her kabob in one hand, while her other grabs mine, not without flashing me a cute smile. I love her.

"Hey c'mon, wait for me!" She rushes to Y/n's side after throwing the stick in a garbage can; "We should go in the haunted house."

"WHAT?" They yelled at the same time.

"Let's go you chickens, it'll be fun!" The colour in their faces draining when we approached the haunted house, while I lead the way.

The lady at the entrance, dressed in a clown outfit greeted us, while explaining some rules, safety rules, blah blah blah. "Follow me in ladies. Prepare to meet some of my friends, they're very nice~."

This is going to be fun.

I held Y/n's hand, while we walked in, squeezing her hand slightly, turning around to give her a smile.

"Y/n don't you dare let go of my hand, I won't hesitate to leave you behind."

"I promise to not let go of Ririka's hand- SHIT." A clown swooped down from the balcony just in front of us, dangling for a second, disappearing the next. Not gonna lie that scared me too.

"Holy crap. This was your idea Kirari."

"No need to remind me. I'm very happy with my decision, thank you very much."

We continued on walking, multiple people popped out of nowhere, scaring all 3 of us, but afterwards we'd laugh it off, trying but failing, to prepare us for other scares. By the time we reached the end, Ririka and Y/n had their hands wrapped around each other's waist, while I lead them through by holding Y/n's hand. Still.

The lady who we saw at the entrance said bye to us as we walked off, the 2 chickens shaking. 🐔


"Ooo carnival games! I'll win the big stuffed animal."

"Who wins it first?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Count me in, I'm going to win!"

"HA. Oh Mittens, there's no way you can win~." Her hand slightly tilting Y/n's head, forcing her to look in her eyes, as they glow slightly with the carnival lights. A smirk present on her face; "Aw, are you scared now dear~?"

"I am not! I will win..."


Pulling out my wallet, I handed the money to the lady running the stand. Stuffed animals of different sizes were hanging for winners to choose from, although caught my eye the most. A large one of course, but it was a brown bear, the fur slightly longer but curly, with big brown eyes, the colour of a hazel nut. Mine for sure.

The lady handed us 5 basketballs each, to win we had to get 4 or 5 in the basket, 3 for the small plushies, "Ready? Go!!"

First shot.

Second shot.

Third shot.

I wasn't paying attention to Y/n or Ririka, but I did hear a 'damn it' a couple times, but it could have been from some other person, there were a LOT of people here.

Fourth shot. Last shot, and five. I made sure not to rush too much, and got four in. I looked at Ririka's and she got four as well, Y/n had three. We had all won something.

The lady congratulated us, and told us to pick our prizes, starting from me, which I obviously chose the brown bear, Ririka had chose a large panda bear, and Y/n had chose one of the small polar bears.

"I'm loving the theme we picked." Y/n jokingly nudged us as we headed to our next stop, not sure exactly where that was, we could always try a ride. "Hey, we should do bumper cars!!!",
"Now this, will be fun~."

This time I was being dragged, both Ririka and Y/n eager to get to the booth first, which we were. The carnival rides were being flooded with people waiting to get into rides, each ride having its limits to how many one can enter. Since we were first in line, us, and 8 other people were able to go on. Not many people recognized us which was a nice change of pace, and it felt like we were at ease for once.

The ride started and instantly I felt a bump behind me. There Ririka was laughing away, backing up instantly to 'run' away from me. Although I tried keeping up with her, it was not working well. These damn mechanics... so confusing. Constantly getting hit by other people while loosing sight of Ririka. The ride was a decent amount of time, a back and forth hit between Y/n and Ririka, and the occasional hit from random people, which I sent a lovely death glare back.

The bumper cars came to a slow stop, and we were told to hop off, as we all planned our last ride for the night. Mainly as it was getting late, and the carnival was about to close.

"What should our last ride be?"

"Why not the Ferris Wheel? It's always nice to see the city from a high point."

"Oooo, good idea, cmon!"


And there we were. The ride stopped as we hit the highest point we could be. The moonlight reflecting into the cube we sat in. We all sat on the same side, huddling close together as it was colder higher up then below, but I was happy to be beside Y/n, as well the entire night. It was such an eventful night, but seeing Y/n happy made my night. Gently sneaking my hand into hers, slightly squeezing it, so that when she turned my way I gave her a peck on the lips. She smiled back and leaned her head on my shoulder, while Ririka did the same to her, leaning her head on Y/n's shoulder.

"Thank you guys... I had a lot of fun today."

"Of course Kirari, thank you too, both of you, I love you both so much."

"I love you too Y/n~."

"I love you silly."

As we sat there, the ride bringing us back to the ground, all leaning together to keep the warmth between us, soon after heading to my car after we bought one last snack for the car ride home. Shortly falling asleep in our own rooms after the long night.

1227 words.

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