chapter 2

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Mist's POV

I woke up outside the cave surrounded by Apple trees. Where am I. I stood on all fours and took a step and I heard a clop of a horses hoof. I looked down and didn't see my paw but a hoof. I walked over to a near by bucket filled with water and looked at my reflection. I was a dark blue mare with a brown mane, one of my eyes where covered up, the eye you could see was silver, around my neck was my light blue collar and I had a pair of dark blue and black bat wings on my back.

Behind me I heard a small yelp. I turned around to see a yellow Pegasus with a long pink main, bright blue eyes and on her flank where three pink butterflies. I took a step towards her then she suddenly yelled "bat pony!" Almost instantly a orange mare with green eyes ran over "fluttershy have you found that timberwolf yet?" She asked the yellow Pegasus. She whispered "applejack" and started pointing her hoof at me "what the hay" applejack said sounding confused. I tried to speak but all that came out was a hiss causing the mares to jump back a little. Ok Mist try to form words. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I said trying to calm them down especially the pony I have come to know as fluttershy.

I heard fluttershy whimper and was staring and something behind me. I turned around to see a wolf made out of wood with glowing yellow eyes. I looked back at fluttershy and applejack and saw fluttershy up a tree and applejack with a rope. I hissed at applejack causing her to drop the rope. "Up the tree" I told applejack and she did as I said and joined fluttershy up the tree. I tried to use my wings to fly up to the tree with them but I didn't know how to fly. The wolf walked closer to me causing me to backup against the tree and I closed my eyes ready to be ended. But it never happened. I felt something slimy on my face. I opened my eyes to see the wolf sitting in front of me with it's tongue hanging out of it's mouth. It turns out that it licked me. I stood up, walked up to it and stroked it's head with my hoof and it's tail started to wag.

"H-how did you do t-that?" Fluttershy studded "I guess it's a talent" I replied "if it was a talent how come you don't have a cutie mark?" Applejack asked "a cutie what?" I said in a confused tone "a cutey mark it shows your special talent" applejack explained. The timberwolf licked the side of my face the was covered by my main causing it to stick up revealing my Orange eye making me panic and cover it back up quickly.

I felt like I was forgetting something then I remembered. I had forgotten indigo and gammon. "Just wondering but do you know where I can find my friends. "Well if they seemed out of place like you then they should be at twilight's place" Applejack explained "then let's go" I said and just as I was about to run off I was stoped by I male voice saying "please don't leave me like the rest did" it sounded sad. I looked around "is something the matter sugercube" applejack said sounding concerned "did you guys hear a stallion say something?" I asked them and they shook their heads "just that timberwolf whimpering" fluttershy said. I looked at the timberwolf and asked "was that you?" "Yes and please don't leave me" the timberwolf begged "I won't I promise" I said while giving my new friend a hug "come on lets get going to this twilight's place" I said and they nodded in reply and we walked into town.

When we got to town me and my timberwolf friend kept getting strange looks from some ponys but most just ran. We all came to a stop outside of a massive tree. Applejack walked up to the door and knocked. When the the door opened revealing a purple alcorn with pink and purple highlights in her main. Her eyes fell onto me "let me guess you two found her?" the pony I was guessing was twilight asked and other two nodded "that's three all together, come in" she said and we all walked in.

Inside looked like a library. Why would someone live here but I won't judge. I looked around the room and my eyes fell upon a purple unicorn with a golden horn with a black main and a black earth pony with a white main. The unicorn had a golden staff as her cutey mark and the earth pony had three pebbles as there's and both of them where mares. "Gammon, indigo" of said "mist" they said in unison. The three of us ran to each other and we all hugged with me wrapping my wings around them. "This calls for a party!" I heard someone yell. I looked at where the voice came from and saw a completely pink earth pony with a messy main "hi I'm pinky pie and this is rainbow dash, applejack, fluttershy, rarity and twilight sparkle the princess of friendship" pinky pie explained very quickly "the earth pony is gammon the unicorn is indigo and I'm mist wolf and I have no idea what I am" I explained to the six "you're a bat pony" the rainbow mained Pegasus who I think is rainbow dash said "thanks" I replied.

"So where did you three come from?" Twilight question "minecrafta" I said and twilight nodded "how did you get here?" She asked "we where playing a parkor map called pony parkor, me and gammon where messing around, got stuck in a cave, indigo came to save us but got stuck as well, we found a black, red and green portal, jumped in and here we are" I explained and she nodded again while writing a letter. "Spike send this to princess Celestea please" twilight asked someone. Then a purple baby dragon with neon green spiked up scales walked in grabbed the letter and burnt it. Almost instantly an puff of green smoke appeared and it turned into a letter. Twilight opened it and read it. "All of us will meet at the train station tomorrow afternoon and we will all head to canterlot to see the princesses" twilight said and we all agreed.

Since me, gammon and indigo didn't have anywhere to stay we where paired with someone. Gammon got applejack, indigo got rarity and I got rainbow dash and my timberwolf friend who I was told to call timber he stayed with fluttershy. But there was one problem. I couldn't fly and rainbow dash lived in the sky "what are you waiting for?" she asked flying above me "I don't know how to fly" I explained "it's easy just copy me" she said while flapping her wings and I did the same. My eyes widened "I'm flying" I exclaimed and slowly followed her to her house. Which was made of clouds. "If I stand on this won't I fall straight through?" I asked and she shook the head, landed and opened the door letting me land in her house.

Rainbow dash showed me around her house. There was a lot of wonderbolt stuff all around the place and in her room was a lode of books from the dareing or books "dareing do and the sapphire statue?" I said sounding confused since I haven't heard of it "it's only one of the books from the most amazingly awesome series of books ever and I have all of the first Additions except for that one" she explained sounding proud "maybe I will borrow one soon if you don't mind" I said trying to understand what she just said "sure just ask before you do" she said and I nodded. "Come on we'd better go to rarity's place since she wanted us to drop by before pinkys party in the town square" she said and I nodded and we flew to see rarity's.

When I knocked on the door three fillies answered. There was a Pegasus, a unicorn and a earth pony "sweetybell who is it?" I heard rarity ask "it's rainbow dash and a bat pony" the small unicorn replied "let them in" rarity said and we where let in. "Look the bat doesn't have a cutey mark" the yellow earth pony pointed out "this bat pony has a name and it is Mist wolf" I said to th fillies "i'm scootaloo and this is sweetybell and applebloom and together we are the cutie mark crusaders" the Orange Pegasus explained "well it's nice to meet you" I said and followed rainbow dash to rarity.

"Darling hold still" I heard rarity say probably to indigo. We entered a large room filled with dresses and rarity with indigo with a light blue dress on. Rarity looked at me "just the pony I wanted to see" she said and took the dress off indigo "try his on please" she said and I did as she said. It was beautiful "what's the occasion?" I asked rarity "along with me and the girls you have been invited to the grand galloping gala" she said sounding excited "sounds good" I said while carefully taking off the beautiful blue gown "let's get to that party" rainbow dash said flying out the door leaving me and rarity behind. I flew there with rarity leading the way on the ground.

When we arrived at the party we where greeted by pinkys party cannon going off in our faces and we got covered in confetti. I flew over to timber and landed in front of him "hi Mist" he greeted "hi timber" I replied "sorry I had to leave you at fluttershy's without me being there" I added "it's fine" he said "I want you to have this" I said and put my collar around his neck "so that even when I'm not here you have a piece of me" I said while smiling "thanks" he said and licked the part of my face that wasn't covered.

The party went on for hours but it had to end and everyone went home. When we got to rainbow dash's house we when to her room and I slept on th floor while rainbow slept on her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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