Chapter 3; Oh shit..

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Richie had been in the process of healing, and Eddie was still helping him sit up correctly. Richie winced at the pain as they had touched his hand.

Richie was extremely dizzy, even if he had been sitting down. The blood loss from his leg, face and hand was causing him to feel as if he would pass out, for he had been extremely pale and quite short of breath.

Once the doctors were done and the police retrieved the man from Eddie's house and put him in the cop car, they all drove off, leaving the two boys alone in the road.

"Rich?" Eddie said, hopeful that Richie was able to hear him.

Richie looked up at Eds and smiled. "Hey there," he said, and Eddie sighed in relief.

"Do you wanna maybe get out of the road so we don't get hit by some sort of vehicle?" Eddie says and Richie nods, letting out a slight laugh.

The two of them walk back to Richie's house and Eddie helps him on to the couch.

"Where's my mom?" Richie asks, looking around as if Eddie knows.

"I've no idea-" Eddie says.

As if it were planned, a lady appears from the hallway and yells "Richie!" in relief and runs over to hold her son.

Eddie looks at the two of them awkwardly standing there, until the woman looks back at Eddie.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him, I really appreciate it." She says in quite the polite and thankful tone, tearing up that her son is alright and not dead.

"I was my pleasure," Eddie says, "If you'd like me to go now I can-"

"No no, please stay, you're welcome here anytime, dear!" Maggie says, just grateful for the short boy who had helped her son when he needed it the most.

"Yeah, what she said, don't leave yet my Eddie spaghetti~" Richie teased, and Eddie gives up on his stupid nicknames. He walks over to Richie and sits down on the couch right next to him.

It's not long before Richie passes out, exhausted from all of the running and hiding and screaming.

Eddie looks over at Maggie, who's admiring Richie and taking off his shattered glasses.

"If you don't mind me asking, ma'am, who exactly was that man that was following after Richie trying to murder him..?" Eddie asks. Rich's mother jerks her head to face him.

"That disgusting man followed my son and nearly had him killed?!" She gasped out. Eddie nodded and she looked at Richie, beginning to tear up. "Oh, my baby.. I should've stayed and helped you.. I'm so sorry.." She apologizes, and Eddie raises an eyebrow.

"Do- Do you know who he is as well?" Eddie questions the woman.

She sniffs and wipes her eyes, taking a breath out. "Yes. That is my husband and Richie's father."

Eddie turns pale and his eyes go wider than ever before. His mouth drops open and he looks at Richie.

"His.. His own f-father.. would do that to him..? Th-th- but that's!-"

"Extremely fucked up, I know." Maggie finished Eddie's sentence. She sniffed once again and began to tell Eddie only the parts she saw and heard.

"From what I remember, Richie hadn't come home last night," Eddie eyebrows shot up and soon came down into a worried expression, "I had been worried sick for him. When he came through the door, his father began to yell at him. I tried to.. calm him but.. he punched Richie right in the face, sending him to the ground.." Eddie watched as tears start to stream down her face, feeling one of his own falling out of his eye. Once again, the woman sniffs and takes a deep breath. "I tried to help, but his father, Went, threatened to kill me if I had moved. He brought Richie into the air and choked him nearly to death." Eddie had been crying by now. He felt so much guilt and so much panic for his dear friend. "He threw him against a wall and chucked scissors right at him," 'Oh my fucking God..' Eddie thought, just sobbing. "A-And.. that's.. that's when I ran off in fear.. there was a lot more screaming after that, though.." She had been sobbing by now.

A long pause filled the room until Eddie finally spoke up.

"How.. how long has th-this been.. you know.. going on..?" Eddie stuttered, trying his best not to start bawling on the spot.

Maggie just sat there, crying. She then made eye contact with Eddie. "Years. So. Many. Years." She responds, and Eddie feels like he's about to throw up.

How could he have been so stupid to not notice? What kind of friend is he? Why didn't Richie ever tell any of the Losers about this? Eddie had so many questions but he couldn't fight back the urge to cry and started sobbing and holding onto Richie.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am.. your son..
Richie..-" Eddie couldn't get any words out without absolutely losing it.

Richie woke up to the sound of two of the people he loved whole-heartedly crying, and he sat up super confused.

The second Eddie saw Richie sit up, he bombarded him with a warm embrace, hugging him as tight as possible, as if he were to had let go, Richie wouldn't have been there anymore.

Richie felt as Eddie and his mother held onto him, hugging the life out of him. He started to cry, and they sat like that for 15 minutes straight.

So this one's a bit shorter, sorry about that, I'll continue this tmr because I have school in the morning and it's 4:27 AM. Bye loves! 🫰

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