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E P I S O D E  2 0 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y  :  W I S T E R I A

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E P I S O D E  2 0 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y  :  W I S T E R I A

the bright scenery of life outside the bus flashes as the vehicles moves. they've been traveling for approximately an hour and a half, not including the occasional stops at the bus station for those who had to use the restroom.

takemichi, dozing off every now and then, jolted violently when the team suddenly cheered. everyone were huddled to the left side of the bus, leaving fujio and takemichi sitting in their seats side by side. fujio was deep in sleep and quietly snoring, head leaned on takemichi's shoulder as he slept, unbothered by the noises his team was making.

before the team's eyes was the highest and main school building of Tenjiku. the building was dark red in color and the shorter buildings that stood at each side of it were in a lightish grey. the logo of the school stood highly and prominently on top of the main building. takemichi couldn't see it from where he was because the team was blocking the view, and he doesn't want to wake the captain up.

" everyone, get back to your seats!" sir giovanni bossed, now standing at the end of the aisle near the driver, " we're here, everyone. Tenjiku is one of the elite schools here in yokohama. everyone knows that. the administrators does not tolerate poor behavior and fightings in this school so all of you better behave! do i make myself clear?" the man queried with authority, earning strong and firm responses from the team.

the bus made its stop in front of the bus that the basketball team rode. everyone pulled their own bags from the storage attached to the ceiling, gathering their stuff before leaving the vehicle. takemichi panicked when fujio made no movement of waking up, " u-uhm ... ah! murayama!" he whisper-yelled, calling the boy who immediately turned around as soon as he heard takemichi.

murayama's mouth fell open, an eyebrow raised questioningly. takemichi pointed at the sleeping form who was now hugging him tightly, fujio's head nuzzling into his chest. takemichi mouthed how-do-i-wake-him-up and murayama didn't wait for a second to pull the back of the captain's shirt.

fujio blinked sleepily, brows knitting at the rude disruption of his sleep, " himbing ng tulog natin ah?" ( sleeing so soundly, aren't we?) murayama fumed, gripping the back of the captain's shirt without caring about titles, " you should've savored it since this will only happen once."

dragging a barely awake captain, murayama stomped out the bus with both their bags over his shoulders. takemichi was in daze as he watched them go. he pulled himself out of his thoughts when he realized that he was the only one left.

" let me carry that for you." as fast as the blond spotted his own duffel bag in the storage was just as fast the tall wing spiker of the team grabbed it and slid over his shoulder, " let's go ahead." yui smiled, to which takemichi returned with the same energy — by means of same energy is a hundred times more than what yui gave. yui swore he saw the Lord for a second before takemichi turned to get out of the bus.

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