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Hello everyone, this is a new updated version of the story some are still the same but some are/ may change but mostly the same as the first book.


1. I don't own the characters nor the story line, to the story. All rights goes to the owner of the story n characters, beside my OC.

All art work, music, etc goes to the rightful owner.

2. I know in the story five is 58 years old but stuck in his old body at 13years old. So I know it's goin to get uncomfortable for a 20 something year old crushin on a minor so I'm gonna change the age differences between Five n eight.

SO, IN THIS SEASON 3 BOOK, Five age in a teenage body is 18 but older 33, And Eight age in a teenage body is 18 but older 32. So it can make sense. And Five been gone for 20 years.

( another note don't mind the math problems I hate math n don't understand it so bare w me lol. ) 😭

3. This book is manly gonna be about five and OC relationship. And the some of the family and other characters will be included.

4. There's some scenes are mature for some readers but some scenes are to the story. So you'll see some of the characters are off characters. Or off script to the story.

5.I know some ppl see them as siblings but they are adopted so no judgment here. If you don't like that then it's up to you if you want to read it or not but Ik some ppl have some... opinions abt that so no judgment here. This is a fanfic ( fictional) REMINDER.

6. There will be scenes that will have some kissing, maybe a lil make out scenes but not to the point where it will be full. So a lil reminder.

7. This book may or may not be on hold or not depends on my schedule but I hope I can finish it. Because yk life.

8. There will be some scenes that are/ may be triggering to some viewers.

9. I may add more info to my character n story line so bare w me and don't mind to grammar it's been a hot minute since I write. 😭

10. Hope u guys enjoy this book n my patients for writing this story! :)

By ur side // Five Hargreeves (3) Where stories live. Discover now