Chapter 12 seven bells

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Next day
Valentina woke up in her room where she rented and now her and Five shared the room. Feeling a slight headache from all the drinks. Groaning from the pain she sat up placed her hands to her side but felt nothing.

" Five?"

She quietly spoke his name, as she rubs her eyes to be fully awake. Seeing that he was not there. Then she remembers the weeding last night all of them dancing, eating, Reginald's speech to Luther, even Valentina and Five were talking. Valentina glanced to his side of the bed trying to figure out where he went.

' did he even went to bed?'

She thought about it so she decided to get up and start getting ready for the day.

The kitchen

Five was sleeping soundly as his arm touched the mental bowls in the kitchen. suddenly woke up in the kitchen but on the counter tops by the loud sounds he flinched and groan.

" why? "

He slowly opened his eyes glanced around the room, hoping Valentina was by his side but noticed she wasn't. Then noticed where he was at. Started to mumble, " what did I get up to last night?"

Five trying to remember what happened then slowly remembers his speech towards Luther and sloane, went to the bar getting more drinks eating cereal, then walking to his room to meet up with Valentina but then walking down the hallway but stops as soon he saw Reginald talking to someone.

" who the hell he is talking to?" Five said in his memory.

Five suddenly sat against the counter wall trying remember the memory. Felt his heartbeat thumping rapidly. Then he remembers what Reginald was talking in the room but don't know who he is talking to. Five suddenly felt his gut alerting him that something is wrong.

Five stared in the room, " what was the old man up to?" He slowly got off of the kitchen counter grabs his jacket. Started to walk towards the door. ' I need to look for Valentina. '

The bar

Valentina got dressed walking towards the bar getting some food. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a black tank top along with a green blouse lightweight along with a pair of white shoes. With her hair half up and down wavy curled. She got her coffee and food, about couple minutes of finishing eating. She saw Reginald walking up to her.

By ur side // Five Hargreeves (3) Where stories live. Discover now