Chapter 5 problems ahead

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" Val, I need to talk to you. "

Diego got a hold of her arms, not roughly but gentle, taking both of them in the middle of the lobby. Valentina glanced at klaus and Stanley noticed that they left leaving them both to talk.

" what? " Valentina not looking at him respond in a tone of not - being - bother. After what he said to her in the wash room with sloane saving her. Diego let out a sigh, knowing she's pissed at him.

" look, Val. You need to choose which side you are on. And I'm not liking it you being friends with the enemy. "

" relax, Diego Jesus. You forget that they don't have the briefcase it's the exact same fucking thing what I told Allison and you guys. " Valentina said to him roughly points to him, while looking at him. Diego let out a sigh staring at him. " sloane is just scared, and I'm on no sides. Okay? "

" por que? You are on our side, aren't you? We stick with each other. " Diego told her reminded her what they agreed as kids, even showed his tattoo to remind her. The umbrella academy symbol on his and the rest of the siblings wrists.

Valentina stared at him, somewhat agreed with him, yes they are a team and a family they do everything together as a family but to her ever since her, Ben and Five situation it was never the same after that. It break her heart that her family broken, but never lose hope that they will banded together again. Valentina replied to him, remembering what he said to Five back in Texas.

" funny last time I checked you told Five you were perfectly fine at Dallas until Five showed up. No interruptions. No academy. " eight told him in a matter of fact tone in front of. Diego was stunned that she remembers that but thought she'll forget. But Five told her fill in some gaps. Valentina let out a soft low sob but try to hold it in, trying not to show it. " but for me... I was worried for all of you back in 1963. I miss my family. But now.... everyone starting to miss the big the picture. "

Diego stayed silent, hearing Valentina response. " look, Val. I didn't mean that I'm worried to. And I will not let anyone hurt my family understand? That includes you too."

Both stared at each other till Luther came in breaking their eye contact. Luther cleared his throat, getting their attention.

" you good here?" Luther

" peachy. " Valentina

" what is it, man?" Diego

" we have a meeting at the pool room. Let's go, it's important. " Luther told them.

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