Saving Elena

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Estel's POV

I ignored everyone and headed downstairs. Where Jeremy and Bonnie are flipping through the pages of old grimoires. "This is useless. All these grimoires. There has to be something in here to keep Elena from becoming a vampire" Jeremy grumbles.

"And we'll keep looking. Until the last minute" Bonnie tells him.

"Why would Elena be a vampire?" I ask them.

"Damon fed her his blood" Bonnie states.

"Of course he did" I mutter.

"Is Caroline safe?" Jeremy asks me.

"Yes, along with Tyler. They're with Matt and Damon on the way to the Lockwood ruins. But knowing Klaus, he no doubt has a back up werewolf, witch and vampire" I state. "Anyway, lets look for a way to save Elena. If push comes to shove, Bonnie and I will kill Klaus before he sacrifices Elena" I tell them.

"You guys can do that? But the grimoire said..." Jeremy starts to say.

"It'd kill a single witch if she harnessed that much power. Not two" I tell him. "Besides, it'll take more then that to kill me" I add.

(Mini time skip)

We're still flipping through grimoires. I had gotten a text from Caroline. Tyler had started to turn. But Damon distracted him and she is safe with Matt. Bonnie finishes one and goes to read the one Jeremy is flipping through. "Which one are you reading?" she asks him curious.

"Emily Bennett's, there's a section on spells she did for my ancestor, Johnathan Gilbert" Jeremy states. He looks up at her with a smile. I find a piece of paper with my name on it. Must be the thing Elijah was talking about. I pocket it for later.

"Yeah, I think she had a thing for him" Bonnie tells him.

"She did, according to my ancestors journal" I state.

"There's something on a resuscitative spell she was working on" he states. I put my book down and head over to them. I read the spell over his shoulder. I frown, the only way for it to work would be for one of Elena's biological parents to willingly give their life for her's.

"I saw that, too. She just didn't explain what it did, exactly" Bonnie states.

"That's because you don't really understand the spell, you're still new to this" I tell her.

"Well, maybe Johnathan wrote about it in his journals. You know, I can have Stefan bring them" Jeremy tells us. I hear the basement door open and face the stairs.

"Someone is coming down" I state. Alaric appears.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jeremy asks him.

"Elijah and Stefan are upstairs" Alaric states. He looks at Bonnie and I.  "You mind if I have a second with Jeremy?" he asks us.

"Sure, yeah. Of course" Bonnie says and we left them.

"If you want the journals, you can ask John for them. But I know what the spell will do and how to do it. So I'll do it, you focus on Klaus" I tell Bonnie and she nods her head. We join Stefan and Elijah, they tell us about Jenna.

"Why did he take Jenna?" Bonnie asks them confused.

"Obviously going to turn her and use her as the vampire sacrifice" I state.

"A punishment for meddling" Elijah states.

"If he didn't want us to meddle, he shouldn't of gone after my little sister" I snap.

"Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline. But Damon rescued them with Estel" Stefan states.

"Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can kill Klaus myself" Bonnie states.

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