Mikaelson Ball

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Estel's POV

When I woke up, I felt different. I couldn't figure out way until I saw the invite. Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration, it read. On the back was a ps, that had me shaking with fear for my family. Estel, I think it's time we meet face to face. I'll be at the ball, Esther. She can't be out.

My phone rings and I answer. "Please tell me this is a joke, Klaus" I plead.

"I take it you got the invite" he states.

"She's back" I say.

"Yes, the Bennett witches resurrected her. She claims she has forgiven me and wants out family whole again" he states.

"She wants to see me" I tell him.

"Don't worry, I will honour my promise to protect you from her" he assures me.

"What time is the stupid dance?" I ask him. He tells me. "Klaus, I hate to ask. But I don't have a dress for a ball" I tell him.

"I'll have one sent over" he tells me. I thank him and hang up. Caroline comes down.

"Hi, you ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah, thanks for being there" she tells me.

"It's what sisters are for" I tell her.

"You ok? Look like you've seen a ghost" she states.

"Nothing I want you to worry about" I tell her with a fake smile. "Heard from Tyler?" I ask her. She nods her head and plays a voice mail from him.

"Caroline, it's Tyler. I know I should have called sooner, I just kinda freaked out and left. But I heard about your dad and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Caroline. I'm out doing what he said. I'm gonna fix myself and come home to you. I love you" it says. As it ends there's a knock on the door and the kettle whistles.

"That's probably my delivery, can you get it please?" I ask her.

"Sure as long as you make me a cup" she tells me.

"Deal" I tell her and get out a second cup. I start to make our coffee as she went to the door. She comes back with two dress boxes and a letter. "Strange, I was only expecting the one" I tell her. She opens the letter and I see she got an invite to the ball too.

"Seriously?" she says unimpressed. She opens the box with her name and there's a beautiful blue ballgown inside. I open mine, to see a pink one.

"Klaus has good taste" I state. Caroline places the lid back on her box. "I don't want you to go, but if you do. Please tell me" I tell her.

"I will, anyway I'm gonna put this in a travel mug. I'm meeting Elena at the grill" she states. I nod my head. I decide to have a spa day as I had nothing better to do and needed to relax. I can't be tense when I see Esther for the first time. I also can't show fear.

(Time skip)

"Just wear the dress Klaus got" I tell Caroline. She was rummaging through my closet looking for a dress to wear. But has nothing worthy of a ball.

"Fine" she whines and storms out of my room. I roll my eyes and finish my makeup and step into my heels. I then went to help Caroline get ready. Doing her hair. We then leave for the ball and I drive as I know the way to the Mikaelson mansion. Where the ball is being held.

Klaus is the first to notice us when we arrive. He walks over to meet us. "Good evening" he says with a smile.

"I need a drink" Care states and leaves us. Klaus watches her walk away as I see Elena speaking to Finn. Strange.

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