Captain Hook (8)

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[above is a picture of Riley, enjoy]]

"What do you mean she's working with Hook? Our sworn enemy" Peter paced back and forth in front of the group of lost boys, they had re-grouped back at the castle where Peter had called a very important meeting.
"I don't know Peter, she was there, by his side, and she wasn't trapped" he kept pacing as Jax told the group what she had seen "it was as if... he was talking nicely to her" Peter's pacing stopped and he swivelled around to face Jax, his face a mask of horror, gasps escaped all of the lost boys mouths.
"Are you absolutely sure Jax, because that is quite an accusation" Jax nodded.
"I'm sure Peter, just trust me" Peter seemed to age ten years in that single moment, he pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to three, when he opened his eyes he looked over at Jax.
"You're right, you are my head lost boy and I should trust you more" Jax nervously laughed.
"What's going to happen to Tink?" Xander asked meekly.
"I have a plan, but we shall rest tonight, and we'll set out tomorrow to scope out the area"

As Riley set her weary head against the soft, cushy pillow she felt at peace since she first found out that Tinkerbell was working with Captain Hook. Since Riley had first fallen into Neverland all that had happened was trouble, she just wanted one moment of peace, she wasn't one of those internet addicted teenagers, but boy would she give anything to have her phone and internet connection, as she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of mundane items a fine mist was sprayed over her, she stirred slightly but was pulled into a dark and murky sleep.

When Riley peeled open her heavy eyelids it felt like they had been super glued together for years, the sunlight was extraordinarily bright in her eyes, blinding her, she squeezed her eyes shut momentarily as she stretched her aching muscles. When Riley opened her eyes again she was no longer blinded by the sun, because there was a face hovering above hers, the face wasn't young at all, he was quite old in fact, with a scruffy white beard. Riley rolled onto her stomach and shot up instantly standing in a fight stance, the scruffy bearded man grabbed Riley's arm roughly, his grubby hands pinning her flat against him, she thrashed against him, trying to break free of his grubby grasp, she even kicked her legs against his, but she felt that it hurt her more than it hurt him. The scruffy man pinned Riley against him harder, and she was evaluated the scene around her, she was on a ship, surrounded by psychotic looking pirates.
"She's awake Capt'n" the scruffy pirate who was holding her captive yelled, she was still struggling against the pirate when the captain walked up and across the ship towards them.
"Good job Mr. Smee" as the named drifted through the air Riley's blood ran cold, she stopped fighting and turned to face the owner of the voice. She was looking deep into the forget me not blue eyes that belonged to the one and only Captain Hook, his sharp and angular features reminded Riley of the skull that marked the flag atop the ship, his jet black hair styled artfully messily the red vest, blazed with jewels that had stolen, his leather duster, worn and tired from it's long service, and the famous hook, Riley had only heard stories about his hook, and in those stories he liked to dip his hook into poison. Riley flinched away from Hook, as if hiding against Hook's first mate Smee would help.

Captain Hook reached out with his hook and propped it under Riley's chin, tilting her head to face his.
"Well your highness, it's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much about you" Riley heard the soft sound of bells tinkling in the wind and she knew that Tink was here, but with a hook placed under her chin right now she couldn't move. "and I can only guess that you've heard plenty about me" his cold eyes showed a spark of smugness and evil, his sharp hook dug into her skin, drawing blood. Captain Hook and Riley watched as the scarlet liquid rolled down the shiny metal hook "Would you care to tell me how a girl and a certain boy have come to rule over Neverland?" Riley was to scared to speak, she just stared into Hook's cold and lifeless eyes, when Riley didn't answer he dug his hook deeper into her chin and Riley let out a scream.
"I'll ask again. How is Peter Pan king?" He spat at Riley.
"I don't know" Riley whimpered.
"Wrong Answer" Captain Hook raised his arm and brought his hook down, slicing a thin cut down Riley's arm, he then watched as the scarlet liquid trickled down her pale arm, splashing like rubies against the light timber.
"How is Peter Pan king!' His face was merely inches from Riley's face.
"I don't know" she said it sternly this time, her voice louder, not a quiver or a stutter to be heard. Hook sliced again, carving an x into Riley's arm.
"I do not, like childish games, girly. So I'll ask again, and I want a proper answer"

"I told you I don't know!" Once again he brought his hook up towering above Riley, and the began to slice messily at her other arm, watching as blood splattered everywhere. "I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!" Riley screamed over and over again, but Hook didn't stop, until her prayers were answered, a voice spoke up, quiet and yet stern, it was a wonder she was heard over Riley's screams.
"Captain!" She yelled, Hook stopped slicing Riley apart and the blinding pain subsided "I think she's telling the truth" Hook scrutinised Riley's slumped frame, her body racking with sobs, her hair matted and tangled with sweat and her pale skin stained red from her blood.
"And if she is telling the truth, what do you propose we do?" Riley's matted red hair fell in front of her face, covering her eyes, but through her curtain of hair she could see the female pirate step forward.
"I say we return her to Pan, and we monitor them, see if we can scope out their secret hideout, maybe even find their weaknesses" the girl, no older than Riley paused for effect, she looked begrudgingly down at Riley, for a moment Riley thought she could see a flash of pity in her sparkling blue eyes. The girl nudged her head in Riley's direction, obviously secret code for something.
"You're right" Hook announced, Smee let Riley's weak body slump to the ground "I should listen to you more often, you are my co captain after all" Hook stepped away from Riley and towards his co captain.
"One question" his co captain's blonde hair was facing Hook, she placed her pirate's hat on top of her golden locks and turned to face him, quirking a blonde eyebrow. "She'll run straight to Pan, like the little tattle tale she is"
"Fairy dust. That'll shut her up" the blonde pirate sashayed away and Hook glanced over at Smee, who was hovering behind Riley.
"Grab the fairy, you know what to do" Riley felt her hair being yanked roughly back from her face, holding her head towards the sky, the last thing she saw was a fine gold dust raining down on her. Then everything went black.

When Riley woke up she was tucked safely into her bed, in her room, in the castle, she must've dreamed the whole meeting with Hook, as she pulled the plush quilt down she realised the dried up blood caked underneath her nails, and the cuts and bruises that covered her skin were not just some crazy dreamed she had conjured up, it was all real, and it had all happened. As she stared down in disbelief at the scars that covered her arms she traced a finger over them, making sure that they were absolutely real, she was even more surprised to see that as she traced over the scars they seemed to heal themselves. Riley's pale skin mended itself, sewing itself back together, leaving no trace of evidence whatsoever, it was as if she had never been attacked by Captain Hook at all

When Riley rushed down to the dining room for breakfast Peter was sitting in his usual seat at the head of the table, she rushed over to him eager to tell her what she'd learned, when she opened her mouth to tell him she realised that no sound was coming out of her mouth. Riley was moving her mouth in a flurry of words, but no sound was coming out.
"Are you okay Riley?" Peter asked, concern lacing his words. Fairy dust, that'll shut her up. The pirate's words sunk into her head, they had used fairy dust to prevent her from telling Peter and the lost boys about Captain Hook and his crew, she cleared her throat.
"Um... Yeah. I just lost my voice for a second" Riley said dismissively, surely she would think of some other way to tell him, but she'd have to think of it later. "So. Ummm what are we doing today?" Riley asked as she grabbed a shiny red apple and bit into it, savouring the sweet juices that danced along her tastebuds.
"Well my queen today we are meeting up with a friend of mine, who will help us take down Hook"

Riley followed Peter through the forest to the place where they would be meeting Peter's friend, all of the lost boys trailed behind Riley while Jax was by her side, as they kept trailing through the forest, the trees growing thicker and thicker until they reached the same lake that Riley had almost drowned in, and there in the distance was someone hopping out of a small boat. As they neared closer to the clearing Riley could see the familiar figure more closely, the long blonde hair, hidden beneath the hat, those icy blue eyes that belonged to the only female pirate in Hook's crew, the same pirate who is the very reason for her not being able to tell Peter about what Hook had done to her.
"Everyone, this is Grace Malley"

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