A Pirate's Life (9)

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This chapter is dedicated to @inspiringsmiles

Riley recoiled away from Grace, tensing and freezing in place. Peter was friends with a pirate, a traitor, she started to back up, almost turning away and running back in the direction of the castle when Grace put up her hands, in the universal gesture for peace. "Riley listen, I'm not on Hook's side, I'm a double agent" Riley turned around to listen to what Grace had to say, standing very still, with her arms crossed right over her chest.
"Do you know each other?" Peter asked cocking a blonde eyebrow at Riley and Grace, Riley opened her mouth but yet again no sound came out.
"Sort of" Grace replied, anger rose in Riley, almost spilling out in a huge storm, she must be a traitor, because she wasn't telling Peter what Hook had done to her. "Why don't Riley and I talk alone, so we can trust each other" she directed her eyes over to Riley, and Riley glared daggers back at her.
"Sure, just don't take too long, we need to plan our attack" Peter rubbed his hands together, battle lust evident in his eyes. Grace walked towards Riley.
"Come one, I'll tell you everything"

"You traitor! You're the reason I can't tell anyone about what Hook did to me, and what he has planned" Grace just sat there in the clearing, letting Riley let out the last of her pent up anger.
"Riley listen, I'm the reason you're still walking and not on the verge of death" Grace spat back, Riley stopped the pacing that she was doing and stared at Grace, her brown eyes full of burning anger and curiosity.
"If I hadn't have stepped in and stopped Hook from torturing you, you would be on the verge of death, at the mercy of Hook, being used as bate for Peter to hand over his crown" Riley hadn't thought of it that way, it was true, she could've died if Grace hadn't have stepped in, but it still didn't explain her lying to Peter.
"Why didn't you tell Peter what happened?" Grace stood up this time.
"Because, if he found out that Hook had attacked you he would rush head on into battle, and we'd all be dead, we need time, time is our best friend, and tactics"
"Because the brain is our best weapon" Grace nodded her approval
"So for now just put on a brave face and cover up those sc..." Grace's eyes raked over the pale clear skin of Riley's arms where the scars from yesterday should've been. "What the hell"
"They just.... I don't know, healed" Grace stepped towards Riley and took her arm in her hands, tracing over the pale skin, as if to reassure herself that this wasn't a trick.
"By themselves?" Riley nodded, her red curls bouncing, Grace seemed to contemplate something for a while, she finally met Riley's eyes, brown against blue. "My best guess is magic was involved"

"So, you're saying that Hook's being controlled by a greater force?" Peter asked looking shocked at Grace, She put her foot up on a rock and leant on her knee.
"Yes, he's always off somewhere else, he won't even tell me what he's doing, so if there's someone else pulling the strings then he definitely would not tell me his plans"
"But who could be telling Hook what to do?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out, because I know Hook, and he does not like to be told what to do, that's why he's captain. So the person telling him what do is either very powerful, has something to hold over him, or.."
"Or what?" Peter asked, looking at Grace
"Or that person could be using magic"

Riley pondered at the thought that magic had been used on her without her knowing, she had seen magic before, she surrounded by it here in Neverland, but it was so... magical, and light and happy, it scared her before, not like it did now. This was bad magic, a curse bestowed upon her lips to silence her from the speaking the truth, even though the healing magic has caused no harm to her, what if it would, because Riley knew the rule of magic, All magic comes with a price. Riley oddly felt like Ariel, silent, lost and confused, as Peter, Grace and the lost boys were busy talking about Hook and their battle plans Riley was wondering through the forest, towards the place where she nearly drowned, what felt like years ago, merely days. She was going to the lake.
"Ariel" Riley's voice sung out, filling the silent air with noise, the blue water rippled violently as Ariel emerged from the water draping her arms over the edge of the lake where Riley knelt. "Ariel, could you please help me with something?" Riley's urgent voice and worried face scared Ariel, Riley was such a beautiful young girl, and her face didn't wear worry well, for a face as pretty as hers should not have to wear it.
"Yes, what is it Riley?" Riley gulped, this was going to be hard to explain.

Ariel pondered for a moment, Riley was confused as to what Ariel was thinking.
"Sooooo?" Riley dragged, trying in the least bit to sound nonchalant, Ariel sighed, still unsure.
"There is definitely magic involved, but who's magic is the question?"
"Wait. So someone did this to me, the whole freaky healing thing?"
"Well" Ariel paused, "magic is very complicated." Riley opened her mouth as if to say something but Ariel cut her off "Someone could've cursed you, it could be some residual magic that rubbed off on you, or..."
"Or what?" Riley asked
"I can't be sure but it's possible"
"What's possible. Just cut the dramatic crap Ariel and tell me already"
"Well, it could have something to do with the mermaids"

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