Chapter 6

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Fifth year


The Black house is silent, nothing surprising.

It wasn't always, but since the start of Sirius's first year it had slowly sunk into such.

You silently flip the pages of your book, leaning against the wall in your bedroom.

A knock interrupts you.

"A letter from Hogwarts." Your mothers voice rings through.

You hurriedly make your way to the door, not daring to leave your mother waiting, and open it. She stands there with a small thing of paper in her hand.

She hands it to you wordlessly and walks off.

You can help the smile as you open the letter.

And your smile grows as you read the word prefect.


Platform 9 3/4 is bustling with students to Hogwarts. Several younger students accidentally run into you.

Sirius runs off as soon as you, he, and Regulus get to  the station.

Regulus goes to do something similar, but you stop him.

It's the first time you've spoken for years.

"You're staying safe, right? At school, I mean. And being smart... responsible?" You ask. You had done exactly what Sirius had done to you to him, but he did it to you. He had made no effort and neither had you. You'd try this year, though. This is your brother.


"Well are you?"

"Why're you asking me this?"

"Because you're my little brother and I want to make sure you're staying safe. I saw you with Malfoy and his little group last year, they're bad people, you know? Blood supremests and such."

He snorts, "you think Malfoy is the leader? No way. He's a wimp."

You grin, "glad we both think that, who's the 'leader' then?"

He frowns, "Riddle. And yes, they think theirselves superior to muggleborns, but what do you expect me to do? Mother and father would hate it if I kept any sort of different company and I'm in Slytherin for Merlin's sake!"

"You could hang out with me?" You offer.

He scoffs, "my older sister? No. That's- no. You know the only reason you and Sirius haven't been disowned yet is because of me, right?"

Your heart sinks, "what?"

A sigh, "I've heard them talk about it. I begged them to not and they agreed, but said if I put a foot out of line or if either of you tested their patience too much; they would."


"Don't call me that."

You smile, "Regulus. Thank you. If you're able, try to hang out with me a little this year, yeah? I miss my little brother." You laugh and lightly punch his arm.

He rolls his eyes, "yeah, whatever. The trains going to leave soon; we should get on."

You nod your agreement. "Okay."


Stumbling out of the compartment, you hurry away from it.

You had been looking for either an empty compartment or Sirius.

Instead, you found a couple having... intercourse.

In your hurry, you run into someone.

"Merlin! I'm so sorry." You look up to see Riddle.

He doesn't answer.

You try to spark a conversation, having had several instances with him.

"We outta stop meeting like this, huh? I keep running into you." You laugh awkwardly as he still doesn't reply.

He finally replies. "Why were you running on the train? You're a prefect, I hear. You should know better."

"How'd you know I was a prefect?"

"Unimportant. Why were you running?"

"I saw a couple banging." You deadpan.

And emotion actually flashes through his face; shock. "Pardon?"

"A couple in a compartment; I walked in and his penis-"

"You do not need to explain in graphic detail."

You shrug, "thought I'd make it clear what was going on."

"You did. Why did you walk in on a couple, exactly?"

"Well I knocked in my defense but they didn't answer. Probably because of how loud she was-"


"Anyway, I was just looking for Sirius, have you seen him?"

"Sirius Black?"

"No." You say, sarcasm dripping. "The other Sirius that I know."

"Well how was I meant to know; I do not know who you know."

"Well he's my brother and you know I'm a prefect even though I just became one this year and haven't told anyone so continuing with your stalker tendencies-"

"I am not a stalker."

"Right. And I was looking for a different Sirius."

He takes in a deep breath, "I believe that is as much conversation I can handle with you." And then he's gone.


I'll be keeping on with 5th year unless it says a different date from now one; the previous chapters were just to establish a past

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