Chapter 16

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Severus Snape is not being punished.

At least not by the school, you were unaware of how Tom Riddle had reacted when they were alone. Not mad at the face he hurt Snape, but at the fact it had hurt you.

How odd, isn't it?

Of course you were not aware of such.

Snape got away easy, a simple lie was all it took for him.

Stupidly, they didn't use a potion of truth or go into his mind. They simply believe him.

A straight O male student who had his life ahead of him. He used the spell by accident; not realizing what it did.

And calling Lily a slur... well that just came out, he hadn't meant it. And the teachers had likely wished him luck, perhaps hoping he'd still be able to be her friend, maybe even that they'd end up together.

James Potter got 2 weeks detention, once he wakes up, for "starting" a duel.

Severus Snape got a months detention for partaking in said duel and also nearly killing James.

That is all.

They didn't even question James, they didn't even ask who started it; simply assumed that James had, oh the troublemaker that he is.

The situation almost reminds you of the time Mary Macdonald had been assaulted.

Her assaulter got away free, no detention even.

She got a weeks detention for accusing him of such a thing. How dare she try to ruin the poor young man's life. And he was a Hufflepuff, oh no they're very sweet; one would never do a thing like that.

And she still has to walk by him every day in the hallways. They hadn't used a truth potion or gone into his mind either, simply believed him over her.

Merlin, you've always felt terrible for her.

~~~<>~~~ *mentions of sexual assault is OVER from here and on, unless said otherwise*

James had woken up exactly four weeks from when Snape first hit him with the spell.

Every day prior to him waking up, you'd go to the hospital wing.

Also there was Lily Evans most of the time; likely whispering sweet comforts into his ear.

And Sirius was there sometimes; saying how when he got back up we'd all have to pull the biggest prank imaginable for James's "great return".

When James did wake up, you were the only one there.


"James! Oh thank Merlin." And perhaps it wasn't your smartest idea, but even so; you threw your arms around him in a hug.

He hugs you back. "What happened." His breath blows against your ear; it's an odd feeling.

You pull away, "Snape hit you with a spell that made you bleed out everywhere." A simple version of what happened. "You barely made it."

He sucks in a breath, "Merlin. Did he get in trouble?"

And your heart sinks... "not really. A month detention. And you've got 2 weeks for 'starting a duel'."

James frowns, "I didn't start it, though!"

"I know. But they just assumed it was trouble maker James Potter."

He scoffs, "stupid."

You sit back down, "agreed."

It's silent for a few moments.

"Any good news?"

"Sirius has an awesome prank planned for your return and Lily said if you're up in time, you two could move the date to this weekend."

"This weekend?" James asks, "why this weekend?"

"Hogsmeade trip."

And he grins.


Three days after James had woken up, you sit in the library; awaiting your younger brother.

Regulus walks in with Riddle.

And while Riddle walks towards you; Regulus walks away.

"What can I do for you?" You ask him.

He looks conflicted, perhaps confused, perhaps even worried. "I had a question."

"And it is?"

He pauses.

"I was wondering if, perhaps, you'd like to accompany me to Hogsmeade."

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"I suppose that would depend on if you would say yes."

"And if I did say yes?"

"Then it would be a date."

"Then yes."

He simply nods and walks off.

"Sorry about that, he heard I was meeting you and decided it was a perfect time." Regulus sits down.

"It's alright. How are you, Regulus?"

"I'm alright."


And you remember his face when Lily said yes to James.

"Do you like James?" You blurt out suddenly, "like... fancy him?"

His eyes widen, "what?! No!"

"I saw you. When he asked out Lily."

"Why would I fancy James Potter? He's not only a blood traitor, but also a boy!"

"It's okay to like boys, Reggie!"

"Don't call me that!" He says, "I do not like James Potter!" And he stands up and leaves.

And you didn't know, but you were right; he did like James. And you did know, but James Potter liked him back.

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