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"Must be fun being in the city right now."
A man said while holding a fishing rod.

"It's been a dream of yours to see it right?"
Another man said, staying beside the other guy as he too, held a fishing rod.

"Say... Have you heard about the rumors of sinking ships in these areas?"
One of them asked.

"Bah! Those are just baseless rumors to get us to not fish in these areas. I mean, this is the place were most of the catch is."
Another said, waving his hand as he continued.

Both men were on a sizeable yacht, above the depths of the ocean as they were fishing and going on with their lives as usual.

Unknown to them however that underneath the ocean, there was a fight going on and about. The Ultraman was fighting with an aquatic kaiju, who had a semblance to a mosasaurus, but with a more sharper and extended snout.

Trigger had his arms wrapped around the aquatic monster, wrestling against it as it moved and thrashed around to free itself. He soon changed his position, wrapping an arm around its neck tight.

"You've bothered quite a lot of people who's only fishing to make a living! Think about what you did!"
Trigger scolded as he was holding the monster with his best. With a free hand, he began delivering hand-chops to it's head.

Unfortunately, the monster managed to break itself from his grip and swam off. It returned to him with its mouth wide open, managing to bit onto his left shoulder. It earned a pained grunt from the giant, but it wasn't done as began swimming deeper into a trench.

Slowly, Trigger was feeling the pressure around him, thus adding to his struggle.

"I-its getting heavy..."
He muttered as the crystal on his chest began blinking red. He grunted in pain as the monster's teeth began sinking into his skin.

He puts his free arm to his head and moved it down, causing the crystal on his forehead to glow red. After that, his body began changing into that of his red form, Power Type.

No longer feeling the effects of the water pressure, he punched the monster's eye. It writhed from the pain of his punch, causing it to release his arm. He delivered another punch right into its abdomen and sends it up into the upper levels of the deep. Trigger followed suit, swimming his way to the monster.

The mosasaurus-like being recovered and rushed towards Trigger again, attempting to bite onto him. Trigger readied himself and caught the monster's jaw before forcing them shut. He slammed his fist above it's head several times to stagger it, allowing him to reach for it's tail and spun it around several times before tossing it up before following.

The once quiet surface of the waters erupted as the large mosasaurs-like creature was flung into the air. Following it was Ultraman Trigger in his Power Type form, seeming chasing after the monster. He stretched his hand out, with the Circle Arms appearing out of nowhere and into his hand. The main sword part soon split open, becoming some sort of claw weapon.

Trigger charged his energy into his weapon, causing the purple blade to glow. As the the creature it's peak height, it descended down. The red giant headed towards it the thrusts his energized claw into it's body which caused a large explosion that destroyed the monster in one hit, with no remains. Thankfully, the explosion occured at a height where it posed no repercussions to the sea and the surface.

Trigger emerged from the smoke, having finished the fight.

"Did you see that?!"
One of the fishermen said.

"It's the colorful giant!"
The other fisherman yelled in glee.

Unknown to both of them, there was another figure not seen by them. He was just there, standing above them. His eyes followed Trigger flying into the sky and disappearing. A soft manic giggle escaped from the figure's lips and disappeared into a dark red murky portal.

Honkai Impact: Trigger OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now