yes or no..?

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Espresso pov:

Espresso took the wedding near a lake with mountains near by mostly it was all most sunset and was waiting for his lover to meet him where he texted him to be

Espresso:could you possibly meet me at the dock something I need to get off my chest really.

Madeleine ❀:oh uhm sure?what time

Espresso:probably 6:35?

Madeleine❀:alright see you soon❤

No ones point of view<3:

Espresso was near the docks waiting for Madeleine and it hitted 6:30 so just had to wait 5 more minutes after a while Madeleine came

"Espresso!" Madeleine yelled running up to espresso "Madeleine!" Espresso told hugging Madeleine "soo what did you needed to tell me?" Madeleine asked

"Welll come here and stand right there" Espresso said while pointing where Madeleine is supposed to go and Madeleine went and then waited what espresso needed to say

Espresso got on one knee and told Madeleine to turn around
As that Madeleine turned around and then was truly shocked

"Madeleine you are the love of my life I'm truly happy on everything you've done for me,I hope we can live forever together and be the happiest couple...would you marry me Madeleine?" Espresso said nervously

Madeleine had no words and was speechless but then he said "YES!!A HUNDRED TIMES YES!"
Told with tears.Espresso and Madeleine both went to hug eachother and be so happy,them imagining their life together,happy together.

Madeleine was truly happy and all and started crying,espresso was aswell happy but not crying as he was just wiping the tears away from his dear lover,his future husband.

As espresso was comforted Madeleine there was something in the bushes..

Latte!Latte was there to see all of this happening she was truly happy that this happened "oh my.If anyone ever ruins their relationship I'm going to unalive them."latte said

Then espresso told Madeleine that he would go shopping for the suits and all and espresso will aswell get his suit and get ready the venue

Madeleine's point of view🤝

I was thinking to myself being like "oh my getting married!I can't wait for this marriage...!"As Madeleine was overly excited,him and his lover went back home just to relax and all.

We went back home and then I went to go cook but then espresso wanted to go out to buy something which he wouldn't tell me what,It was a bit suspicious but I didn't mind if he didn't need to tell me.

As espresso was about to get out I quickly went up to my lover and gave him a small kiss on his cheek and then I told him "byebye mi Amor!see you soon" I said happily and he told me that he will be a but late so don't cook for him.

As that he left the house,leaving me lonely,(I'M FEELING LONELY OH I WISH I HAD A LOVER TO HOLD ME😭✊)But for that I felt like I should cook him something since his coming home late he could use something to eat when he gets back!

So that's what I did I went back tot the kitchen and started cooking.Few hours pass,I was already done with the food I checked the clock and then saw
It was 9pm already in night gosh where the hell is he?


Espresso's point of view 😋

I was in latte's house as latte found something crazy as me and Madeleine experience before.again it was a note we both didn't know what it was but latte told me that it was just in her mail box

I wondered what it was but decided not to open it yet the letter had on the top "for espresso from..." But it was weird?why was it in latte's mail box instead of mine..

Whatever I must not let that stuff bother me,"latte so about the wedding of Madeleine and I.I need to find a suit for me and Madeleine needs to find a suit for himself and I don't know where to get it"

Then latte said that I could just go to pastry's store and buy there
"Of course why did I not think of that gosh am a idiot" I thought to myself.But I told latte "shall we open the letter together?" And we did

HAH y'all getting a cliff hanger!but anyways any of you remember Emily and Sarah from my book...?WELL BABY THEIR COMING BACK and I'm going to be changing some of the parts so then you guys can reread it teehee<3

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