My Demon Tenant Meets the Locals!

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She seriously was going to bankrupt him.

Kyuumi must have eaten through at least fifty-percent of his savings by now! Her appetite was insane! She must have been holding herself back when he had introduced ramen to her because now all she did was eat and eat.

Why was she hungry all the time?!

Not even he got this hungry this often!

Looking at her from across the table, Naruto took note of the empty pile of plates by her sides. She had wanted to eat dango today. She had been introduced to dango back when they had accidentally ran into Anko a few days ago.

Anko had teased the hell out of the both of them and had spouted off about some young love non-sense.

Naruto had never really pegged Anko as a romantic.

Now Kyuumi absolutely loved dango. Possibly even more so than ramen. Actually, she pretty much loved food in general, whether it be ramen, dango, sushi, fried chicken or beef bowls. For a being that despised monkeys, she sure loved their food.

Over the past week, Kyuumi sure had changed. She adapted to monkey life rather quickly.

Not only had she basically set up the morning routine of smacking his face with her foot, she had now basically forced him to bathe with her every morning. Sometimes at night too!

His teenage heart could only take so much temptation!

Plus he swore he could always feel someone watching him whenever he was in the tub with Kyuumi. Someone with white hair. Someone who constantly wrote things into a tiny little notebook. He could not really put his finger on who that person was.

It was Jiraiya. Obviously. If he could lower himself to the point where he felt no guilt watching women in a hot spring, then obviously he would have no hesitation to watch him bathe with Kyuumi.

Stinky perverted monkey.

Kyuumi had also ended up changing the clothes she wore after her first day.

She kept the scarf and had turned her kimono into a dark blue jacket. Naruto thought it looked good with her red hair. Now obviously you can't just wear a jacket, so she had to then give herself a light-grey collared shirt, idea courtesy of a men's fashion magazine Naruto had brought back from the bookstore and then she had finally finished off her outfit with a skirt and some thigh-high socks.

On her feet, she had on a dark blue pair of sandals, just like Naruto.

All in all, she pretty much fit in. Maybe she was just a tad bit over-dressed, but Naruto liked the look on her.

She liked that he liked the look on her.

It was a win-win.

Blinking once, Naruto focused back on Kyuumi. She looked so satisfied, decimating his wallet with her eating habits. Cute too, but mostly satisfied. Where did all that food even go? Did it disappear into a black hole in her stomach? Did she even have a stomach?

"Do I got something on my face?"

"Oh, no. I was just thinking," replied Naruto as he absent mindedly swirled the tea in his cup.

She looked at him, "What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about you," answered Naruto simply, his words prompting Kyuumi's cheeks to heat up a little.

"W-Well then.." replied Kyuumi as she glanced away, "What kind of stuff about me..?"

Naruto shrugged, "Just the usual."

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