ing and iang

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I folded another towel and slammed it in the laundry basket as I side-eyed Ed.

When he didn't look away from his video game, I sighed loudly and put more effort into folding the next towel in the pile.

Grumbling to myself, I smacked it down on top of the others forcefully and blew stray hairs out of my face before grabbing the basket from the chair and dropping it on the floor in anger.

Ed glanced at me and quirked an eyebrow. "You okay, Love?"

I crossed her arms and tapped my toe against the floor. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Ummm?" Ed looked her over and quickly tried to find the appropriate answer to her question. Seeing her anger flair, he swallowed hard and made the mistake of glancing back towards the television for a brief second to pause the game.

"You can't be fucking serious!" I cried and threw my hands up in the air before turning on my heel and storming out of the room.

"Love?"Ed called out and looked around, completely perplexed. "Babe?"

When I didn't answer and he heard cupboard doors crashing closed in the kitchen, he set the game controller down and rubbed his palms against his thighs before taking a deep breath and going to find me.

He walked tentatively into the kitchen, suddenly feeling as if it were more of a lion's den than mine's favorite room in their home.

He paused just outside the entrance and watched me toss pots onto the cooktop and rip ingredients from the refrigerator.

"Love?" He asked quietly to get my attention and try and calm me.

"What?" I grumbled without making eye contact with him.

"What's wrong?" Ed inquired as he shoved his hands in his pockets and slouched his shoulders, preparing for the onslaught he knew was coming.

"Nothing," I groaned as I threw salmon steaks on the counter and lifted my eyes to shoot daggers at him.

Surprised, Ed narrowed his eyes at me in disbelief and waited for me to change my mind.

I mimicked his facial expression and narrowed my eyes back at him in challenge.

"Ummm," he mumbled.

That was all it took and I was off and running. Flailing my arms around in the air as I paced back and forth, I let it all out.

"I have been busting my ass all day and you have done nothing but play that fucking video game. I swear to God!" I yelled as my chest heaved with anger.

"It's my day off," Ed tried to defend himself, but his words came out softly and before he'd even finished his statement, he knew he'd said the wrong thing and curled further into himself.

"Mine too!" I screamed and reached for a dishtowel that I twisted and turned in my hands in frustration.

"I know, Love," Ed agreed gently with a nod and took a step into the kitchen. "I just wanted to relax for a little while.

I didn't realize that the whole day had gotten away from me."

"You can't tell time?" I took another jab at him and saw him cringe and anger flash in his eyes, but it disappeared just as quickly.

"Love" he groaned.

"Don't," I held my hand up and tried to wave him away. "You're being an asshole."

"Asshole?" Ed's voice boomed through the kitchen, sending the dogs scampering for cover.

"Yes! A male chauvinistic asshole!" I yelled back, finally satisfied that I had his attention.

"What?" He sounded angry.

"I am good enough to clean up your mess and fold your underwear, but you can't even look at me?" I challenged him.

"I'm not your mother! I'm not even your wife!"

"Where is this coming from?" Ed ripped his hands from his pockets and ran them through his hair. "I'm gonna go and give you some time to cool off," he grumbled as he reached for his keys.

Before he could get a hold on them, I darted towards the counter and palmed them. "You're not leaving!" I declared.

"You're pissed. I'm lost. I'm not going to sit here and fight with you," he tried to stay calm, but I knew he was on the verge.

"You've been ignoring me all day! Now you're going to leave?" I cried. "Bullshit! You're infuriating."

"And you're acting crazy," he jabbed back.

"Yeah, well if that's what it takes to get your attention," I grumbled as I crossed my arms and hid his keys.

Ed raised his eyebrow again and tried to hold back a chuckle. "Love, give me the keys," he commanded and held out his hand.

"No, you're not leaving. I have your attention now and we're working this out," I stated and pursed my lips as I stared him down.

"You're pissed off. Why would I stay here and argue," he asked calmly as he took a step towards her and fought the urge to laugh as I took a step back and turned away from him slightly.

"Because, I said so..." I answered weakly.

"Wouldn't it better if I left and gave you time to calm down?" He questioned, taking another step.

"No," I whispered and blew a stray hair off my face and turned to rub my nose against my shoulder because I refused to unfold my arms and expose my hand with his keys. "You drive me crazy, but I don't want you to leave," I confessed.

"What do you want?" Ed asked, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

I peeked up at him and batted her eyelashes. "You."

"I thought you just said that I drive you crazy," he reached out and gripped my hip as he moved closer.

"You do," I mumbled and turned my body towards his, taking a step closer to him as well.

"But you want me to stay?" He brought his other hand to my opposite hip and nudged my forehead with his nose to get me to lift my face so he could see me.

"Yes," I answered quietly and bit the inside of my cheeks as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why?" His hands skimmed her body as he moved to wrap me in his arms and pull me closer.

Dropping my forehead against his bicep, I unfolded my arms from between them, snaked them around his body and tossed the keys before fisting his shirt.

"Because... you might piss me off sometimes, but I'd rather have you here and be irritated than not have you here at all."

"Oh really?" Ed laughed.

"Yes, you drive me crazy and we're complete opposites when it comes to certain things, but I wouldn't have it any other way," I nearly whispered and hugged him tighter, "I guess."

"You guess?" He squeezed me tight and vibrated with amusement.

"Yeah, I guess," I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm the ying to your yang?" He teased.

"That or the pain to my ass...The jury's still out!" I dropped my hand and pinched his ass hard, making him cry out and try to pull away.

"But, I love you anyway."

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