Amusement park

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Human beings are the kind
Because they kill each other for money power and the most stupid thing love is it even worth it that they go this far to get it even kill its own kind
I do agree that I don't understand human feelings nor emotions but is it worth it

Part 1

Today iam going to amusement park with mother
Iam not interested in the park I just want to go outside to see the environment culture etc of this world
That's what I planned but it failed cuz
I fell asleep in the car and couldn't see a fucking thing and now we are at the park and my mother is carrying me around like a pig that eats a lot
At the park there was a thing called roller-coaster and it was fucking scary I mean why does even people ride that shit

There was nothing to do at least for me but my mother was everything with me buying stuff and riding things even if I hate that it's not like I can do something about it so I had to do everything she was doing but I didn't feel that any type resentment towards her I guess I liked her and she was my mother so I guess it's normal to like her
The things she was doing I guess it's motherly love for their children
And she is a strong woman because there were people that talked behind her back that she didn't had husband and she is a bad person and mother but it's not true
She is the best person I have ever met the nicest person
And it's true that she doesn't have husband so what it's not like not having a husband Is a crime
But she is strong woman so she doesn't took it to heart
But sometimes a strong people can cry to its OK to cry for humans sometimes to let out the pain.

Part 2

I guess I somehow understand human emotions a bit and it's OK because the God wants me to do so.

Humans have many feelings emotions and it's hard for me to understand

After roaming around the park we went to home and I learned
Many things

Than my mother took me to bed and she started talking

'' Ajin do you know that I love you so much and I hope that you will live a happy life unlike mine because my life is miserable I guess ''

Hee what is she talking about
I guess she suffered a lot than she started crying but I don't know why than she told me

'' don't trust people to much and try to be happy and to what you want to do ''

I guess she was  betrayed  by someone she trusted
Should I comfort her but how well I guess I have to act cute in front of her again
'' Abbb Abba uaaa ''
And the thing I did was to make cute sounds
And she stopped crying
And said
'' ohh my cute little Ajin I love you so much ''
And she went upstairs and gone to sleep
Humans are hard to understand
And I don't want to understand it so I gona sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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