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Wooyoung screamed in both pain and shock as he was woken up by a familiar rough pull on his hair.

"Do you fucking realize how impossible it is for me to sleep with your annoying voice?!" San yelled angrily, he's had enough of Wooyoung's sleep talking and was nice enough to wait for the morning to explode at him.

Wooyoung didn't know what his master was talking about, but he didn't want to anger him more with questions so he repeatedly apologized for something he didn't even know and hoped to be forgiven.

"Stop saying sorry!!" San pulled harder at the other's hair and pulled him out of the cage to his feet. "I'm sending you back right now!"

At that one sentence, Wooyoung's heart dropped and so did he, on his knees. "No no please master, I-I'll behave from now on, I promise!" Tear filled his eyes as he begged to be kept.

He knew being sent back before the month ends means he would be in big trouble at the slavery school, he heard horrible things that happened to slaves who failed to please their owners. He had to stay here for at least a month to save his life.

"Please master!" Wooyoung begged more but only received a sharp slap on his cheek, making him go quiet.

"You don't decide to stay here, I do." San said in his usual cold tone, anger no longer showing in his voice.

Then there was a knock

"Come in." San called, not taking his eyes off the younger boy kneeling on the ground and visibly shaking.

"Hey, you're up earl-" Seonghwa paused when he took in the scene in front of him. "What's happening?" He asked, giving San a worried look.

"Ask him." San answered, his eyes narrowing at Wooyoung, looking at him like he's a disease to the world.

Seonghwa blinked at him then turned to Wooyoung but keeping his distance. "Angel? What did you do?" He asked, his tone suddenly much gentler.

"I-I-I...I.." Wooyoung struggled to speak, his breathing visibly heavy and uneven.

Seonghwa glared at San before stepping closer to the boy on the ground. "It's okay, take a deep breath..." he tried gently but only received a head shake from the younger.

San took a deep breath to keep his anger under control and sat down on the edge of the bed, watching them. "Hyung, he's-" San was cut off by a shush from the oldest while he was calming the slave down, which he was good at. He guided him to breathe and relax.

Seonghwa smiled when Wooyoung was finally responding to him and his breathing went back to normal. "Okay, now can you tell me what did you do?"

Wooyoung made eye contact with Mr. Park for a split second before looking down again. "I don't know sir..." he finally spoke, being scared of the reaction he would receive, but it was a lot simpler.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and tilted his head to the side a little.

He was being as gentle as possible but Wooyoung started crying at the second question. "I really don't know, sir..." he uttered out between hiccups and sniffles.

Seonghwa calmly nodded and turned to face San. "What is it this time? The boy doesn't even know what he did wrong."

San just rolled his eyes and got up to leave the room, which Seonghwa understood as him not wanting to talk in front of Angel.

It was embarrassing for San to be scolded like a little child right in front of his slave, so he always walked away when something like this happened.

They stood in the hallway outside the room, San tucking his hands in his pajama pants pockets while Seonghwa watched him with his arms crossed over his chest and a raised eyebrow, waiting for him to speak.

San sighed and rolled his eyes again. "He was talking all night, I couldn't sleep at all."

Seonghwa looked at him like he had just grown two heads. "Talking? Like to you? You let him talk?"

San began acting visibly uncomfortable and moving a lot. "No, of course not...he was sleep talking." He mumbled like a little child knowing he did something wrong and will be scolded for it.

With that information, Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh a little. "You've got to be joking."

But San only shook his head.

"Are you kidding me?! Did you make all that fuss because he was sleep talking?! Have you lost your mind?!"

San thought his assistant was overreacting, why is he yelling at him now?

"Well, I want to sleep." San calmly spoke in his defense.

"He can't fucking control it, you idiot, you've crossed your line this time San!"

"What line, huh? He's my slave, I can do whatever I want and it's none of your business!
You've crossed your line, you're my assistant, it's not your place to tell me what to do!" San snapped at Seonghwa and instantly regretted it. The hurt expression that showed on the older's face made him want to take it all back.

"You're right, it's not my place." Seonghwa calmly responded before walking away, ignoring San when he called him over and over again.

"Hyung!" San watched Seonghwa walk away and sighed. "Fucking fantastic." He muttered and went back into the room where his slave was still in the same kneeling position they left him in, but he was crying while trying hard to suppress any noises from coming out.

The scene alone was enough to make San feel guilty, adding up how he hurt his best friend just seconds ago, he felt horrible already.

San hesitated for a long moment before approaching Angel. "Hey..." he paused, having never done this before. He noticed the boy on the ground go completely quiet and still, like he was even holding his breath to avoid any mistakes.

But San didn't know what to say next, obviously he would never apologize to a slave. "You can take a shower and come back to eat your breakfast..." He tried to sound nice, but it only came out as cold as ever, making him sigh again with frustration and leave the room to sit in the garden for a while.

Why can't I be human...? I'm a monster...

A/N hello! I hope you're enjoying the story 🤭 I just published a new one (Ray of Love) so please check it out if you're interested 💕

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