The loss

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  One might think life without knowing someone who died is easy, but what if the one that left the world was ones unborn child. But before we get to that let's start the story from the beginning shall we.

  Diluc and Athena had known each other for two years at that point and decided that they belong together and so shortly after they got married turned out that she was pregnant with a child.

   As far as everyone in Mondstat knew that was the happyest Diluc had ever been. After so many years of being alone and pushing other away he found someone he could be a family not to mention the news that he'll be a father.

   Soon after finding out that Athena was carrying his child they came to wist his father grave and promised upon it that he'll be a caring father just like his own was.

    Day's for the couple seemed so happy it's was intoxicating, so much so that even the whole of Mondstat seemed brighter. The happynes however was short lived.

   After the both of them were asked to join and adventurer party while heading back home there was an ambush on there group by unknown individuals. While all the group was fighting then to the best of there abilities Athena noticed an arrow shining in the cover of leaves and it was pined right at Diluc.

   She didn't think much yet her body moved on its own and had pierced her though the stomach and down to the side. Half of the arrow was sticking out of her small frail body.

   By the time Diluc turned around his wife had already passed out from shock and pain. And looked pale enough to almost seem dead if not for the uneven breathing caused by pain.

   While handing her of carefully to the only helper of the group he went into a blind rage and it so happened that none of the ambushers came out alive.

   As soon as he calmed down he went back to the other and most importantly her to check on her injury and only then did he notice when the arrow was piercing her. It was the stomach to that he went into a panic. He wasn't just worried for his lover now but also the child that she was secretly carrying with her.

   Only a few people knew about it and they intended to keep it secret till she was showing. Yet in this situation he'll have to tell at least the healer about it.

"Miss while taking care of my wife's injury may I request you check something else"



" I'll tak care of that"

   Diluc was not about to waits time we're he would be able to help.

" Thanks, can you try maintaining the water this temperature please "

" Of course "

" Now that the situation is a bit easier, can i ask what this favor of yours is"

" See.... she pregnant, would there be any way to tell if the child's alrighty?"

   The scared expression on her face was enough to understand. He was in shock, dental, but loss was know to him and he knew how to stay strong in this situation, though he was obviously messed up. Not too mention thinking of how to tell this information to his wife.

   They were still far away from Mondstat and decided to set up camp just a bit further away from were the ambush happened and continue there way home tomorrow.

   A few hours after seting up camp Athena woke up and was in pain since the wond was still quite fresh. Of course the news that Diluc told her almost as soon as she woke up made it nothing.

The love they never knew/ Diluc x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now