You. Him. Meeting?

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Note:you and him meet! What could go wrong? MK's there as well :)

Wukongs POV:
"Cmon Monkey king! You have to meet him! Pleaseee! I promise it's worth it!"

MK's been pleading to me for who knows how long. Who's this Y/N why is he so interesting to MK? Seems like another random mortal if you ask me. But who knows how long MK is gonna bug me to meet him.

"Ughh fine.. if it will stop your whining."

No one's POV:

MKs eyes light up as him and his mentor journey to meet a special person.



You had just finished up the last order and were ready to check out before..


You sighed and put your apron back on and went to the cashier desk to meet a familiar and not so familiar face.

"Oh MK! I thought you weren't gonna be here today? What's going on? And is that the Monkey king?"

"Okay so, one. I wasn't suppose to but I am. 2, you're here to meet someone! And three! Yes it's my mentor the monkey king! Say hello monkey ki- monkey king?"

During MKs rambling he noticed his mentor still staring at you. To yours and MKs surprise you both thought his eyes had a tint of red in them but brushed it off thinking it was just the lighting. Uncomfortable from the staring you had waved a hand in front of the king and he flinched before shaking his head.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry about that got lost in though...heh.."

He seemed to have lost track of thought as he was close to nearly continue staring before he stopped him self and started talking again.

"So~ Y/N! This your bakery?" He asked as he leaned his body on the desk.

"Huh! Oh um.. yes! However I was just about to close.. do you perhaps want something before I do?"

"Have anything strawberry flavoured?"

"Yes! let me just fetch something for you!" As you quickly walked into the back to find somethings to Wukong's liking.


strawberry flavoured? That doesn't sound like monkey king? I'm sure he would ask for something peach flavoured. It's his favourite fruit! So why a new flavour? Maybe he wants to try something different? But why now? Ack! This is so confusing it's hurting my brain! Wait why is he just staring at the back room and have such a goofy grin?

I was about to ask the monkey king before-

No one's POV:

"Okay I have some strawberry cupcakes On the house! Since you helped save the world basically!"

As wukong stood up properly and you pushed the  cupcakes -which are in a box- to him. As he went to take the box. His hand on top of yours for a brief moment which made wukong slightly blush but if was barely noticeable.

"Well I need to close up, you two should probably head to..wherever now." You said laughing slightly as to wonder where these two goofs even go nowadays.

"Oh right! Well let's go monkey king!" MK said as he basically dragged wukong out the shop.

You smiled and waved goodbye, noticing wukong stare with that goofy grin still plastered on his face. Though you could almost feels a sense of sinister intent.


"Okay monkey king! Why were you so weird around y/n?! I know it's slightly weird to meet someone because your the monkey king and all that! BUT! The- the weird grins! The stares! THE ORDER OF STRAWBERRY FLAVOURED CUPCAKES!! Normally that would be an issues but I know for a FACT that you would always go for peach flavoured and..."

"I need to go." Wukong swiftly interrupted and before MK could get another word out the king himself had flew away on his cloud.

Weird. But what could MK do about it? He just shrugged and walked back to his apartment.

-at flower fruit mountain-

Wukong POV:

He's perfect~

He reminds me so much of someone. Who was it? Honestly I don't care.

They're scent. It's chock full of a strawberry scent. I need that scent with me.

I need him.

I want him.

I HAVE to have HIM

All for ME

No one else..

Shall take away...


End note: ngl this is kinda cringe but oh well I hope you still enjoyed lol hopefully I can start writing more :D 🍓

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