Chapter 4:

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After school, Frenchy was walking down the hall looking for Sandy, cause Doody told her acting so jumpy earlier in the morning. Once she got to the door of the front entrance, she saw Sandy talking to a boy, who was really taller than her. She could tell Sandy was really frightened. She wanted to help and save her best friend, but for some reason, she hid behind the wall to hear Bruno talking to her. "What did you tell him?!?" He asked in an angry tone.

"N-nothing." Sandy shutters.

Frenchy felt her heart break when she heard Sandy's voice tremble. So she peek her head around the wall to see Bruno towering over Sandy, who was backed up the wall while clutching onto her books.

"You're lying!" Bruno shouts.

Sandy whimpers.

"You remember what I said?" Bruno asked. "If you tell, I'll make you suffer and toture you in every way!"

Sandy pressed her back up against the wall.

"P-please, leave me alone." She begged.

But Bruno just slapped her face.

"You don't ever tell a man what to do!" He screamed in her face.

Sandy could smell Bruno's breath which reeked of alcohol.

"I don't know what that greaser ever sees in you." Bruno snarled.

Sandy felt her eyes well in her eyes, she wished that she had let Danny drive her home safely.

"His name is Danny and he loves me so much more than you ever did." Sandy spoke up.

Bruno clenched his fist and smacked Sandy's face, making her fall to the ground.

"You're so weak!" Bruno screamed before walking out of the school building.

Sandy cried softly as Frenchy walked out and ran to her aid.

"Sandy!" She called out as she helped her up. "Who was that?"

Sandy lets out a sniffle.

"That was...he was my..." She starts. "Ex-boyfriend."

Frenchy felt her heart stop.

"Is he from..." She asked.

Sandy nods her head.

"Then he moved here to get me back." She told her.

"Oh you poor thing." Frenchy comforted her.

Sandy cried in her arms.

"I'm so scared, French." She cried.

"Shhh, it's gonna be ok." Frenchy told her.

They pulled away.

"Does Danny know about him?" She asked.

Sandy shook her head.

"How come?" Frenchy asked.

"Because..." She spoke. "Bruno threatened me saying he'd do worse things to me."

Frenchy hugs her tightly as Sandy cries again. Frenchy was so angry at Bruno for causing her best friend who was terrified of him, she also wished that Sandy would tell Danny about him so he and the T-Birds could protect her from the creep.

Sandy's Abusive Ex-BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now