012 ➪ bombs and bunnies pt2

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Wrote this on the airplane 😜
Also, I now have an idea where this book is going plot wise! 👍 yippee!
Although, I doubt itll stay the same... I'm not the best at keeping at things 😤🙁🤨😒

Pt 2 since I couldn't be bothered to write it in 1 chapter 😒😒😒


"Look at that," I say as I reach the top of the spurt of wind first, I think i went so fast because I was petrified. Aether jumps onto the floor and then Amber and Paimon follow, "I guess I lost... so much for me being a gliding Champion," she sighs. However, I am utmost certain she lost on purpose. Jean was right, Amber truly is an amazing soul.

"It looks like the one we saw with Lisa... was it a console?... no was it a monument?" I ask Aether, "i think— actually I have no idea," he reply's.

"So you've got to slice and dice whatever this one is too," Paimon adds causing me to laugh at her joke.

"It seems so," and with that I watch Aether bring the sword in his hand up behind his head and back down. The console... monument thing disappears into dust.

Hmm... the air has gone lighter.

"Two down! One to go!" Paimon yells putting one fist in the air.

"Don't celebrate just yet Paimon! There's more Hilichurls— and a abyss mage?" I say whipping out my trusty polearm.

Flipping the Weapon around a few times ignites the iron tip on fire and I take this chance to pelt it towards the electro abyss mage... it hits but barely scrapes the shield, just causes the surroundings to explode... oops sorry Aether.

I hate abyss mages. Why are they so difficult to kill?

Aether recovers from the explosion and stands back up. Creating a wind current and trapping the mage in a square. Amber and I take the opportunity to fire.

I lean towards the stray hilichurls. Amber choses to keep firing her arrows to weaken the shield and Aether keeps the wind trap alive.

Paimon... Paimon does nothing.


"And... perfecto!" I sigh taking the polearm out of the abyss mages body. Just like normal, it bursts into particles. A strange buzz leaves with the mage.

"I'm exhausted," Amber whines and I agree. Working this much is tiring. By the way things are looking. I say that'll we'll have to push back Kaeyas temple to late tomorrow... or the day after.



"Phew I'm tired... Well at least we helped Jean out," Amber says sitting on a rock outside the temple. She was definitely speaking for all of us as Paimon and I are on the floor half dead and Aether sits next to us panting.

"Speaking of which, The Four Winds we were discussing earlier... If you want to learn more about our history, you can ask Lisa... HEY! Don't look at me that way! I'm not saying I don't know our history! It's just... I mean... A librarian is supposed to be more knowledgeable than an Outrider, right?" Amber says.

"Before, we could protect the civilians but now... Storm Terror is unpredictable and... well— you know how it is... no mortal can defeat a dragon. Even if the person of Jean," Amber sighs looking at the floor in shame. "Lisa said something like 'The winds change, so too should our tactics' and I agree. We cannot be idle much longer..."

"Don't worry Amber! That's why we are here!" Paimon exclaims and moves towards her. I watch as Paimon sits next to Amber and pats her head.

It looks strange. A small girl who looks like a child comforting someone much taller than her. But it's the thought that counts. And every single day thought in Paimons head is comforting Amber... although, that's not a lot of thoughts...

Amber let's put a small hum, "...You're right.. as a thank you, allow me to treat you to food when the Storm Terrors reign over Mondstadt is over. Which will be soon!" She speaks a lot more upbeat now. I didn't realise a few words could cheer her up. Wait food? Free food?

"Thanks for your generosity Amber!"
"Paimon Loves Amber!"
"Thank you Amber, I— we appreciate it,"

"Aha no it's nothing! Uhm! No need to thank me! Anyone would do it! Ahh! It's alright!" She blushes out.


We had left Amber to her own devices after settling on all the food options. The city was a few minutes away now, we had decided to go to the last Temple tomorrow. It's night and Aether and I am incredibly tired. I doubt any of us could lift a sword, let alone fight using our brain.

"Paimons hungry,"

"We know Paimon, you won't stop taking about it to Aether and I.

"Paimons body is tired,"


"Paimon wants to sleep,"


"We know, just a few minutes left,"

"You little baby," I giggle out.



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