Chapter 3

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Wanda could've slept for a few hours that night, but she decided that she wouldn't have time, so she changed into an all black outfit and went into the woods to meet Agatha. She checked her watch impatiently, sure that Agatha would be there any minute. She ended up waiting for an hour before Agatha popped out from behind a tree and said, "boo!"

"If you want to scare me, you're going to have to try harder," Wanda said, unfazed. Agatha scowled and Wanda couldn't help but crack a small smile for the first time since she met Agatha.

"We're going to D.C," Agatha said out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry...what?"

"We were invited to the White House." Agatha smiled brightly and held up a paper that looked like it had been drowned in coffee and aged for 200 years. Wanda could barely make out the words: The President of the United States has invited Circe and Styx Eldritch to accompany the cabinet for brunch in the White House on September 5th. The Brunch will include an interview and tour of the White House.

"Who are Circe and Styx Eldritch? Are they...sisters?" Wanda asked.

"Wives, sweetheart." Agatha said. Wanda felt something that she couldn't quite identify. She was going to the White pretend to be Agatha's wife.

"I'll tell you more in the car," Agatha said when she saw Wanda's confused expression.

"You have a car?"

"Not exactly, but it's a sweet ride."

Somebody needed to explain what a "sweet ride" was to Agatha. Wanda decided this when she saw the old school bus that Agatha apparently owned. Whether "owned" meant "paid for" or "stolen" was up to interpretation.

"Alright, let's hit it." Agatha slammed her foot into the gas pedal and off they went. Completely soaring down the road at 35 miles per hour. The good thing was that since school was just starting again, nobody would question the bus once morning rolled around, which was still hours away.

"Tell me who the wives are," Wanda said once they were on the highway.

"Circe and Styx. Witches from the 15th century." Agatha could've been explaining first grade math with her tone.

"Wait, how are they–"

Wanda was interrupted by Agatha. "You're telling me you've never heard of them? Have you not read the Darkhold?"


"The most legendary book ever written? It's like four hundred years old? Basically an encyclopedia of witches?"

Wanda shrugged, almost pleased with herself for getting on Agatha's nerves so much. "Not ringing any bells."

Agatha sighed in frustration. "Fine. Just know that Circe and Styx were arguably the most interesting myths in the Darkhold. They were killed in the Salem witch trials, but nobody found their bodies. Now pretend that they did have magical powers, and they could still be alive today."

"But they're not."

"It's called acting, Wanda. You know, the thing you do every time you pretend to be a U.S. citizen?"

"Do you even know how bad it was in Sokovia?"

"Oh honey, I know," Agatha said with false sympathy. Wanda just rolled her eyes at the woman's sarcasm and gazed out the window. Agatha continued talking, about witches and stealing and money and stealing. Wanda blocked most of it out, feeling more tired than anything. She was used to an unpredictable and always-changing life, so being in a school bus to the country's capital with a mastermind criminal who was blackmailing her didn't bother her too much. Well, that was what she would convince herself at least, because it would take a miracle for her to ever feel comfortable with Agatha. 

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