Part 6-

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"What the fuck" I say as I see the boys come out wearing the smallest clothes they could find in the store, just to mess with us "what, don't we look good?" Jamie asks me striking a pose while pursing out his lips like a duck, I laugh "what the hell, noo" I laugh again trying to cover my mouth so that hardly anyone hears. Lottie is having the time of her life laughing with Joseph, I look over at her and smile, I like seeing my sister happy...
Once Jamie and Joseph find clothes it around lunch time, "I'm hungry" Lottie complains letting out the 'Y' a little longer than needed, whining for food as her stomach growls. "Me too" I heard Jamie say next to me "me three" I could hear Joseph speak out "I guess, me four" I respond "can we go to that diner we went to last time I was here?" Lottie asked me looking over and stopping in her tracks "Red Plate Diner?" I ask her confirming that that's the one "yes! That one!" She responds confirming my suspicions.

"This is heavenly" Joseph says humming as he ate a bite of his burger, Jamie Hums back agreeing "yes, literally best burgers ever" I look over at Lottie, smirking trying to hid my laugh "what're you laughing at" Jamie asks looking over, ketchup all over his bottom lip "nothing! But you got a little something here" pointing to my bottom lip letting him know where it is "here?" He asks licking at it but missing "no you missed" I'm laughing, he tried again "here?" He asks once again and missing once again "no! Oh my god, hold on" I grab his face with one hand cradling it as I wipe my thumb over a spot on his face getting the ketchup off "there" I said and licked it off my thumb, I could hear him mumble under his breath but couldn't understand what..

"Holy shit" I here Lottie say as she sees the cutest French bulldog in a window to a dog shelter "oh my god, he's so cute" her voice getting tiny as she gets closer to the window "you cannot get that" I say "but he's so cute" she wines at me "no! I don't care, it doesn't matter anyway, you cannot have pets in my apartment" she frowns as she says good-bye to the black French bulldog "I'm sorry love" I here Joseph whisper to Lottie "do not be sorry Joseph" I say, he looks at me like I'm the cruelest person in the world, I came closer to him as Lottie started wonder off asking Jamie some questions about reality jumping "she does that with everything, it's called gaslighting. She has a problem with that" he looks me in the eyes "she can get everything with it" I start to walk away sitting at a park bench.
Jamie sits next to me putting his hand softly on my thigh, I look over and see Joseph and Lottie sitting at another bench, "you okay?" He asks leaning in closer as if he was trying to keep it quiet "yeah just a little annoyed" I respond leaning into him slightly hugging him. We just sat there slightly hugging for a good 7 minutes... I look back over at Joe and Lottie, she laying her head on his lap, somehow laying slightly on the bench. He's playing with her hair trying to calm her down in some way, I can tell of the way his moving his hand, it's in a soothing manor.

"Wow" I say as we get home, it was a long day "why'd we stay out for so long" I heard Lottie groan and face-plant on her bed "don't break your face" I yell and I take my purse off and start to take off my coat throwing them down on the couch, not bothering to pick them up till tomorrow "I wanna kill myself" I say jokingly as I plop on my bed "don't do that" I could hear Jamie above me, I look over to see him with not jacket or shirt on I ask "why not? And why don't you have a shirt on?"  trying to refrain my eyes away from his soft abs "because why not" he responds, laughing but then he answered my other question "and your too important to not be here" my heart melted, I softly kissed his cheek "thank you, Jamie".
I went to got her changed into my PJ's as Jamie did the same in the bathroom, as I was finishing putting my shirt on I heard the lock click and Jamie came out in sleep shorts and once again, no shirt. I walk past him, getting my toothbrush, wetting it and putting toothpaste on then start to brush my teeth, Jamie came in to do the same.
He stands behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, slightly tickling me he laid his head against my shoulder snuggling in "let's go to bed?" I ask him turning around to face the tall man "yeah" he said starting to walk out my hand intertwined with his, he laid on the bed his back against the backboard, somewhat sitting up. I climbed into bed but he pulls me up so that I'm sitting on his lap facing him, he rests his hands against my waist as I put mine on his shoulders gliding them around his neck so that I'm hugging him. He snakes his arms aground my waist so the same pulling me closer as my head rest at the part where his neck meets his shoulder, leaving little kisses there. "I'm tired" I can hear Lottie groan from the bathroom connecting our rooms "then let's go to bed" Joseph suggested, she groans but walks to bed anyway "goodnight!" I hear Joseph yell through the door "night!" Jamie and I mumbled at the same time

"same to you my dear" I could hear him whisper to me, "and goodnight to you, Jamie" I respond snuggling closer into his embrace, somehow we fall asleep like that, dreaming of what this one little mess up in reality could bring us to...

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