Part 10-

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We get into the car, Jamie driving "wait you don't know where the hospital is" I say my words starting to slur "Actually I do, hey love don't pass out on me" I could hear but it's starting to become faint "what? I'm not feeling to good Jamie..." I say just before everything goes black


"No, no-. God damn it" I say trying to keep her awake, I quickly race to the hospital, don't ask how I know where it is, um let's just say an accident happened to the point where I had to get to the hospital...
We don't talk about it

•Time skip to the hospital•

Once we got there I picked her up bridal style and saw the blood that ran down her car seat, I gave her a towel to hold against her head but seeing as she passed out it didn't really do much.
I brought her in and said to the receptionist "She hit her head and cut it then passed out in the car on the way here" she looked at me wide eyes then called a nurse, they brought out a rolling bed to put her on then started to bring her back to a room they asked me some information on the way "what's her name?"-"uh, um Ivy, Ivy Deeks"- "okay and what happened"- "sh-she hit her head on her backboard and got cut, or really indented, but then we came here and she passed out in the car"-"okay and about how long has she been passed out for?"-"About 7 minutes" I answer the final question before she was brought back into a room I started to walk back with them but they said I couldn't.

I just stayed out in the waiting room...

•Time skip about 30 minutes•

It's been almost 30 minutes before someone comes out and says "is there someone here for an 'Ivy Deeks'?" I stood up "yeah, me" she smiled up at me "Okay so she needed 7 stitches and she passed out from the blood loss, but it wasn't much so she will be fine, she's stable and we have her hooked up to an IV, what's your relationship to her?" She gives me all the information "Her fiancé" I tell her "okay well Ms. Deeks is okay with visitors so you may come back if you would like, does she have any immediate family members near that we can call" she asks me "Yes, her sister, um what room is she in" she looked back up to me "actually I'll take you back just give me one second, and what's her sisters name?"- "Lot-Scarlett Deeks" I reply almost saying her nickname "okay and if you will just follow me I'll bring you back to her." She nods and turns back into the hallway, I start following her and we eventually get to room 145 she opens the door to reveal Ivy, still looking beautiful, hooked so to an IV and on one of those donut pillow things that you can lay one so the back of your head doesn't touch the surface "thank you" I say to the nurse, "No problem, she should wake soon" I nod and she walked away.

•30 minutes later•

I'm sitting next to here and the door slams open "Jamie!" I could hear a familiar voice say, I look up and see her "Lottie" I got up and hugged her, but only for a second "what happened" I could hear Joseph say from slightly behind us "the real question is what took you guys so long, how far were you?" I asked them "We were just in town, there was traffic" Lottie responded "okay, well what happened was-" I stopped for a moment, I didn't want to tell them we were about to have sex, that's weird "-she hit her head on the top of her backboard, and it cut the back of her head, she lost to much blood on the way here and passed out" Lottie gasped, covering her mouth. But then I could hear a faint "Jamie" from behind me, I spin around quickly to see Ivy's eyes open "Joseph, go get a nurse" I tell him and he's out the door, I walk up next to her bed "hey love" I say as I knelt down to get eye level with her "what happened" she asked "you passed out, on the way to the hospital" I remind her "oh" she says just before a nurse comes in
"Hi sweetie, are you feeling okay" she was an older women, small compared to all of us "yeah fine" she looked at the older women with her brows furrowed, all of a sudden Ivy sat up. "Did I get stitches" she asked the nurse "yes, but only 7" Ivy looked at her, her eyes getting wide "7 stitches?!" She yelled the nurse laid her back down as her heart rate started to increase "yes, 7 stitches sweetheart. But you'll be just fine, the wound wasn't as deep as it could've been" she gave her a sweet smile, I could tell she calmed down a bit "okay"

•1 hour later•

"You can be discharged!" A doctor said from beside her bed "I can?" She asked with a smile, the doctor returned the smile before saying "yes! Everything looks great you got enough fluids back in you, you should be good to go. We're gonna prescribe some pain medicine for the swelling and of course the pain. We can get you out of here in about 20 minutes. If your fiancé wants to help you get dressed, we can fill out the paper work and get you out of here" her eyes wide she asks "Fiancé?" The doctors smile fades a bit "yes, this handsome gentleman told us that's his relationship to you, is it not?" I put a worried expression on my face but ivy gleamed "no that's correct" I smile once again "okay, good. But there's a few things you cannot do for about two weeks just so your wound heals a bit" the doctor goes on to explain some certain things she cannot do like only wash her hair lightly until she gets the stitches out in a couple of weeks, she cannot go swimming in lakes or chlorinated pools and so on. After that the doctor left then Joseph and Lottie left to give us some privacy
"So fiancé?" She asks me while I start to help her put her shirt on, being careful over her head "I hope you're okay with that" I ask her she then turns around and pecks my lips "of course I am" I smile then help her with the rest of her clothes, she used my shoulder to balance on as I bent down to help her with her joggers. As I stood up she kept her hand on my shoulder using it so she won't fall.
I then call the nurses in to help her get ready to discharge her, I help her into the wheel chair and then we make our way to the elevator, the nurses coming with us. Once we get down to the ground floor, Lottie a Joseph looked up to see us, ivy's smiling like nothing happened "you good ivy" Lottie questioned once we got over to them "yeah, I think so" she responds still smiling "let's get you out to the car then" Joseph said from next to her, the nurses followed us out to the car so that they could bring the wheel chair back in once we get in the car.
"Do you want to sit in the back, the front passage get kinda looks like a murder scene" I ask her forgetting that her front seat is filled with blood. "I'll go to the back" she responds, I pick her up from her seat in the wheelchair to get her in the back and buckled "thank you" I say to the nurses as they leave.

I could hear Lottie and Joseph say that they'll just take an Uber before Jamie gets in the car "you okay, love?" He asks me his blue eyes filled with concern "for now" I respond, his face softens and he starts to back out.

I get the feeling again
Something is following us and it's not good

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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