part 9-

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thats normal, right?

"hey, Lottie" I say once she stops talking to Joseph, turning her head to face me "what" she asks "do you feel off? Like someone is watching you?" I ask her the feeling growing stronger "what? No" she responds turning her head back around to talk to Joseph once more, I look around quickly looking for anything odd, but nothing.
I'm going crazy

Once we finished eating we went outside and back into my tiny car, Joseph and Lottie in the back while Jamie and I were in the front. We started driving back when I got that weird feeling again, I look in my my review mirror to see a black car behind me, their windshield so tinted I can't see inside "what's wrong" I hear Jaime from beside me his hand migrating from his to my thigh "what?" I ask not hearing him fully "I said 'What's wrong'" I look him quick in the eyes then back to the road "yeah, No I'm fine" I say very unconvingly  "you sure?" He asks once again his thumb starting to run back and forth slowly on my thigh "yeah, yeah.." I repeat once again, lying "okay" he says slowly

We got back into my apartment complex and we went inside to the elevator "you 100% you're okay?" I could hear Jamie whisper in my ear from next to me "Yes Jamie! I'm fine" I say laughing a bit on the end just so he believes me "okay" he responds. We could hear the elevator ding once we got to my floor, we walked down hall to my apartment, I got my keys out and unlocked the door.
I got the feeling again, someone is here

Once I got the door open Lottie and Joseph made there way inside but I stayed out looking down the hall I could see the little corridor where the elevators are and see a whip of blonde hair retreat back into it, as if not wanting to be seen "did you see that" I asked Jamie "what?" He said not knowing what I'm talking about "nothing" I say and walk into the apartment Jamie close behind me.

Jamie brings me into our room "okay, what's wrong?" He asks me once again "nothing is wrong Jamie!" I slightly raise my voice starting to get annoyed "look I know when something is wrong with the people I love!" My eyes go wide "you love me?" I ask him surprised "yes" he says "it feels like I've known you my whole life even though it's only been three days, so what's wrong?!" My eyes are still wide "I feel like someone or something is watching us, I've felt like that since we went to Chick-fil-A. I asked Lottie but she doesn't feel the same, I just didn't say anything in case you thought I was crazy" I take a breath "And when I asked you if you saw that earlier, I saw a whip of blonde hair retreat back into the area where the elevators are, like the person didn't want to be seen" his eyes go wide now "seriously?" He asks "yeah, why?" I respond to him getting concerned "no reason" he says, his face relaxing "okay" I say, not believing him
I fall onto my bed on my back, laying my hands on my stomach, Jamie falls next to my his head closer to me than the rest of his body. His eyes wonder over to me, I don't look him in the eyes back "you love me" I say quietly not wanting him to totally here me, more like talking to myself "I love you" he whispers, almost to himself but he still wants me to hear, I sit up quickly "you love me" I say louder this time, he sits up too "yes" he says to me, I turn to him throw my leg around his hip and sat on his lap "you love me!" I'm almost yelling at this point "I love you" he says to once again with a smile this time, I kiss him passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist to pull me
He lays himself on his back bringing me on top of him, I pull off of his lips we're both breathing heavily "do you wanna do this?" He asks me, I sit up
"WERE GOING TO GO OUT FOR A BIT!" I could hear Lottie yell from outside the door "OKAY" I yell back confirming I heard her.
I rolled my hips against his crotch, I have a skirt of so there's not really any barrier between us, he grabbed my hips to hold me still "Ivy" he says, his voice getting deeper "are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks me, his eyes getting darker with lust "Yes Jamie, I want you to fuck me"

*3rd person*

"I mean, if you insist" Jamie smirked and flipped them over quickly, he smiled and started kissing her again. Ivy wrapped her arms around his neck as he starts to kiss down her neck, she lets out soft whimpers as he got to her sweet spot, "can I take this off" he asked her lifting at her shirt, she nods and he pulled it over her head, "you are so beautiful" he says as he gets a full glimpse of her body "what about this" he pulls up on the waist band of her skirt "can I take this off" she nods again, he pulls it down her legs, once he got them off he started kissing up her legs starting at her knee and ended once he got to the bottom of her bra "you are so pretty, so, so pretty"
she pulls at his collar bringing him down into a sloppy kiss, Ivy then somehow flipped them over and got on his lap again "this doesn't seem to fair" she starts unbuttoning his top "is this okay" he looks up and nods at her, she finishes unbuttoning his shirt before sliding off his shoulders, exposing his soft abs and his inked black tattoos. "You are so hot" Ivy says as she runs her hands down his chest, he sat up and wrapped his one arm around her waist as one rested on her jaw and kissed her. As he did that she started to palm him through his jeans "Ivy" he says breathily "hm" she asks adding more pressure "you need to stop before I cum in my pants" she pulled away from his mouth "Mhm, then let's get those pants off" she got off his lap then he stood up and took off his pants before climbing back on the bed and kissing Ivy, he started leaning her back down onto her back all in the process she slammed her head onto the top of the backboard

⚠️*End on smut*⚠️

"OW!" She yells out "ooh, are you okay love" Jamie asks as Ivy rubs her head "yeah, but I think I'm-" she pulls her hand away from her head to see blood "oh shit, I'm bleeding" she quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom, Jamie close behind her. "Shit, Jamie can you look to see how bad it is" She continues to paw around her head to find the spot again "yeah hold on" he started pulling back her hair to look at the spot "uh yeah, you might need stitches we better go to the hospital..."

I fell for you, and I'm still fallingWhere stories live. Discover now