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20:37 | April 23, 2021 - Abigail
Townsend Harris High School conferences hall, NYC

What a senior prom we just had, I will miss all these people next year at uni for sure, but it's time to move on. *Checks a sound on her phone* An email from... Chris Hackett? *Opens it and reads*

Dear Ms. Abigail Blyg
It will be a pleasure to have you working at our summer camp as an art tutor. The camp starts on June 26th, but the counselors are asked to arrive on June 25th and ends on August 22nd. The location of the camp is attached at the end of this email.
We will be having an online meeting through the platform Google meets on May 20th at midday to give some extra details.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Hackett

Abi- Mom look at the mail I got!

20:45 | April 23, 2021 - Dylan
West Central Park, NYC

*Watches a notification pop up on his phone*. Who sends emails at this point?

Robert- What is it, dude?
Dylan- Hang on I think it's important, why would anyone use the email...
Zeke- Weren't you applying for a job? At a camp or some shit like that...
Dylan- *Reads the mail for himself*

Dear Mr. Dylan Lenivy
It will be a pleasure to have you working at our summer camp as announcer and manager of schedules. The camp starts on June 26th, but the counselors are asked to arrive on June 25th and ends on August 22nd. The location of the camp is attached at the end of this email.
We will be having an online meeting through the platform Google meets on May 20th at 1:00 p.m to give some extra details.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Hackett

Dylan- Yep, it seems like I'll be busy this summer...
Robert- Hey, calm a bit... pass all your subjects first my boy...
Dylan- Look who's saying it hahaha.
Zeke- Burn...

20:30 | April 23, 2021 - Emma
Eleanor Roosevelt High School conferences hall, NYC

I can't believe how far we've come. It looks like it was yesterday when we met starting 2nd grade in elementary, and now we're at a senior prom.

Mr. Principal- Next student... Emma Mountebank.
Juls- Go, sis, you deserve it.
Emma- See you up there *stands up*.
*After some more students*
Mr. Principal- Julia Ibáñez.

There's my little sister, different parents, different siblings, and different nationalities, but sisters.
*After naming every student*
Emma- Ready?
Juls- Let's go.
Emma and Juls- *Throw their caps to the air*
Juls- WE DID IT EM, WE FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL!!! *hugs her tightly*
Emma- I'm going to cry my eyes off.
Juls- Now the last thing is knowing we can be working at the same place hahaha.
Emma- At least we will be working at Benidorm together HAHAHAHA.
Juls- But that's just June, we need a confirmation from that summer camp in Northkill.
Emma- *Visualizes her sister waving at her within the public* Hey, I told Kate to wave at me if I got a mail from the camp owner.
Juls- Everyone is leaving to party, let's go ask your sister and then we join.
Emma- Kate! *Waves at her*
Kate- You got a mail from someone called Christopher Hackett, I don't know if it's something related to camp.
Emma- The camp's name was Hackett's Quarry so I guess...

Dear Ms. Emma Mountebank
It will be a pleasure to have you working at our summer camp as theater coach. The camp starts on June 26th, but the counselors are asked to arrive on June 25th and ends on August 22nd. The location of the camp is attached at the end of this email.
We will be having an online meeting through the platform Google meets on May 20th at 2:00 p.m to give some extra details.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Hackett

Juls- Nice job baby, hope I get mine soon.
Sara- Pues el móvil te ha vibrado, pero no me has dicho que te avise jajajajaja.
Juls- Trae anda...

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