Chapter 10: Time to leave

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18:01 | August 15, 2021 - Abigail
Hackett's Quarry main lodge

Nick- Would you like to do anything else for your birthday? Like an evening activity? To finish off the day like it should.
Abi- Ummm... It would be great to do a talent show. I enjoyed them a lot as a child.
Kids- ME, ME, ME!!!
Chris- You guys are so original hahaha. I would love to see that.
Nick- Great, Abi will be the judge. Prepare something for tonight and we will meet here at 20:30.
Abi- What? I don't want to choose...
Kaitlyn- I will help you little one, you need a bad bitch to help you with the deliberations.
Abi- Hahaha, this is gonna be awesome.
Nick- *Exits the lodge with Abi* Have you had a nice birthday?
Abi- Hahaha, yes, really nice, thanks for the cheesecake, it was delicious, how did you know it was my favorite dessert?
Nick- You told me haha.
Abi- Did I? When?
Nick- On my birthday, I asked you out of curiosity when eating the cake the rest prepared for me.
Abi- Oh it's true, I didn't remember. Well, the next time you tell me you feel talentless I will hit you on the head with a pan, because if was FANTASTIC.
Abi- I shall give you a bit of your own medicine...
Nick- Out of context that sounds as if I, at some point, hitted you with a pan hahaha.
Abi- Even out of context you look incapable of hitting anyone with a pan.
Nick- And there's you...
Abi- Hahahaha. I commented that with Juls the day of the Disney scavenger hunt haha. Do you know the tik tok audio that goes like: "Looks like a cinnamon roll, it's a cinnamon roll"? Well that's you and me haha.
Nick- Yes, I know it hahaha. What are the others?
Abi- If I remember correctly... you and I are the ones who look and are like cinnamon rolls, Emma and Dylan, look like cinnamon rolls but could kill you, Juls and Jacob look like they could kill you but are cinnamon rolls and Kaitlyn and Ryan are the ones who look like could kill you, AND WOULD.
Nick- Hahahahaha, so accurate. Ryan would literally stab without warning.
Abi- Or AS a warning.
Nick- Hahahaha, true.
Abi- But Kaitlyn wouldn't stab just for fun, she would in retaliation.
Nick- Yeah, most of us would.
Abi- Not you haha.
Nick- Neither you hahaha.
Abi- Cinnamon roll club *fists bumps*.
Nick- Now we brought this up... Kaitlyn may not be a cinnamon roll but she behaves like one when Juls is around.
Abi- Yeah, I noticed that too... I think they're dating but don't want us to know...
Nick- Why would they?
Abi- I don't know, maybe for the kids... it's hard to be out of the norm with kids in front of you...
Nick- I don't know it from personal experience, but I can imagine it...
Abi- Let's go straight allies!
Nick- Who said I'm straight?
Abi- That you don't know from personal experience...?
Nick- You don't have exes and you're bisexual. You don't know from personal experience...
Abi- First of all that's not true; second, are you LGBT+?
Nick- Haha, no, I was just messing with you. But what? You do have exes? You told us you didn't the day we went to bed earlier.
Abi- I didn't want Em and Jacob to mess around with it. I have one ex, a girl, that's it.
Nick- And how was it?
Abi- If I wanted you to ask I would have told you.
Nick- Okay, I'll shut *makes a gesture zipping his mouth*.
Abi- That's better *pats his head*.
Juls- Hey guys, come back, we're starting.
Abi- *Enters the lodge* Can someone explain to me how is this gonna work? I'm the judge and I don't even know how many participants and phases we have...
Juls- We've got twenty between solos and groups. We've decided to make a group fase, semi-finals and finals. Ten participants pass to the semi-finals and five to the finals.
Abi- Okay, let me get a notebook and a pen. Guys! Each one of you, present yourselves, I have to note you here.
Izzy- I'm Izzy and I will do some fast painting.
Ruby- We're the girls in cabin 7 and we're gonna dance.
Alba- I'm Alba and I'm going to do gymnastics. Hope outside, please.
Abi- Haha, no worries Alba, it's super nice.
Justin- I'm Justin and I'm going to dance.
James- I'm James and I'm going to rap.
Ren- We're Ren and Nikolai and we're going to do some comedy dialogue.
Daisy- We're Daisy and Lucy and we're gonna sing.
Jordan- I'm Jordan and I'm going to do football tricks.
Jason- I'm Jason and I'm going to do basketball tricks.
Claire- I'm Claire and I'm going to do ninja tricks with a stick.
Ryan- Wait a minute, you learned how to by using oars for sailing, didn't you?
Claire- Hahaha, yes, too much free time around stick-shaped stuff.
Mia- We are Mia and Sophia and we're gonna sing.
Juls- Wow, so many hidden singers haha.
Fred- I'm Fred and I'm going to do shuffle dance.
Chesney- I'm Chesney and I'm going to lift weight.
Jacob- We're Jacob and Juls and we're gonna dance *highs five with Juls*.
Abi- Are you allowed to participate? Hahaha.
Jacob- Who said otherwise?
Abi- Okay, okay, just saying...
Dylan- I'm Dylan and I'm going to do magic tricks.
Emma- We're Layla and Emma, and we're going to do a drama scene.
David- I'm David and I'm going to sing.
Kristen- I'm Kristen and I'm going to dance hip-hop.
Charlotte- I'm Charlotte and I'm going to dance ballet.
Luke- I'm Luke and I'm going to imitate some cartoon voices.
Abi- Wow, so many different talents... go on umm... *reads the paper* Izzy, you're the first one.
Izzy- Okay. First, I want to show you this *shows a paper with a drawing*.
Kids- Oooooohhhhh.
Izzy- Now I'm gonna recreate it, can someone held the chronometer for me?
Kaitlyn- In three, two, one, GO!
Izzy- *Starts drawing fastly* Done! *Shows the result*.
Kaitlyn- Thirty seconds, nineteen milliseconds wow.
Kids- *Starts clapping*.
Abi- That was sooo god Izzy, thanks. Next is... girls from cabin 7. What's your group's name?
Alice- Just cabin 7.
Abi- Alright. Tell Mr. H what are you going to dance so that he can put the song.
Ingrid- Worth it by Fifth Harmony.
Chris- There you go *plays the song*.

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